But it wouldn't prevent someone from loitering there until the cows come home or their connection happens to get dropped. These people -have- nothing else to do, or use alts for it anyway.
But then, killing them off would not prevent them from coming back five minutes later. Hence, both frequency and duration need to be controlled.
With currently available tools, probably the best solution would be to put the terminal inside an instance that's accessible once in x hours and lasts y minutes. (e.g. 5 minutes once in 24 hours or similar)
Important disclaimer:
I do not think it's my business to tell other people how they should waste their time.

Neither am I in the business of enforcing EULA regarding 'cousins' - MA is better placed to do that.
And not in the slightest am I concerned about so called 'fairness' - that's a vague concept anyway.
However, I do believe enticing otherwise 'productive' players to stare into a terminal for days throughout is a lose-lose proposition that would do no good either for said players or for overall economy of the planet - and that's where my interest comes in. I want the show to go on.