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Event Turn out


I have to say I think the event turned out pretty good. Sure there were a few hiccups and way more people showed up then I thought would but it was nice to see that we could get so many people to show.

Events aren't something that are done often on Cyrene so of course it's going to have a few bugs to work out and see what problems may arise and how to fix them. Sure there were a few people whining but it was mostly from names I don't recognize as having visited much but I saw a lot of defense from people I don't see here often as well so it wasn't just regular locals that were understanding and patient. People know we are still growing and doing new things, it was nice I think to see people willing to let us learn our bugs and work things out.

Personally I liked so many people at the wave event total pandemonium :p

I think it was a really good learning experience for us.


Active Member
Also if you want to see some screenies I posted a bunch in the original topic.
(sorry I didn't see this topic until now)

Here's a couple from when I had lag the 2 times just before I dc'd (as i recall)

Noticed this avatar and then dc'd. Seems to have 2 or 3 faces+ears, was very odd.

Avatars started looking wonky again about 2 hours later and i dc'd.

PS. The only avatar i can identify there is lilmc thanks to the star. xD
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Lilmc | Cyrene

Former Official of the greatest community.
Staff member
Hey everyone!

Sorry to hear about your wrist San.

As a lot of players in this thread know the get together grew larger then anticipated. We've learned a lot of the issues that occurred during the summoning. The information collected will help form a better event in the future including bigger mobs, loot distribution, planning, communication, and lastly timing. I understand we're not able to be perfect for everyone time zone, we will have planned events in the future that will be able to be rotated to include more players then the 0400 UTC until I passed out at keyboard. I appreciate the community for their patience and criticism regardless if it was good, bad, or even a rant.

Thanks for being part of the Cyrene community.

I would also like to thank Captain Jack Daniels for understanding I had to ignore his trade request for lagging my computer. :)



Sandal San Tolk
Thanks all for the well wishes.

As a lot of players in this thread know the get together grew larger then anticipated.
But this is a success in itself, congratulations! Shows that there is a lot of interest in Cyrene still and high hopes for when it finally comes out of its reduced state. Good luck with the remaining challenges.


Active Member
Alot stuff need be fixed here is some suggestion :1) First mobs dmg need be changed to AOE all share loot mobs
2)Reduce dmg of zeladoth lvl 198 hit 360+ dmg it 1 shoot kill
3)Wawe event zone need be increased , it imposibe do event with small group of ppl in very small zone with tons of mobs attacking you. zone need to be at least 2x times bigger then it right now(wawe event zone)
4)Mobs need be spawned 15 min before the event higher hp are recomend add some 150k hp mobs
5)Add some share loot mobs like summoned zeladoth big hp average dmg that local players on cyrene can kill in team
6)For test purpose spawn share loot mobs evry weekends on cyrene so when it some official event we dont get any problems.
7)Add some new ithems in share loot mobs

Last night event was not so bad , but hey alot of stuff need be done .Dont forget fix Arc vendors :)

Hagbard Celine

New Member
Alot stuff need be fixed here is some suggestion :1) First mobs dmg need be changed to AOE all share loot mobs

You work for MA and think a event that is not a total armour decay feast is bad?
(I was considering that you where worried about fairness, but your point 7 ruled out that.)

2)Reduce dmg of zeladoth lvl 198 hit 360+ dmg it 1 shoot kill

I see no problem the Zela damage for an event. But;
This request does not make sense IF they supposed to be AOE as you say above.

7)Add some new ithems in share loot mobs

Most people at the event seemed to prefer "The Duke" as it did not drop an item in every loot, just saying.


Well-Known Member
You work for MA and think a event that is not a total armour decay feast is bad?
(I was considering that you where worried about fairness, but your point 7 ruled out that.)

I see no problem the Zela damage for an event. But;
This request does not make sense IF they supposed to be AOE as you say above.

Most people at the event seemed to prefer "The Duke" as it did not drop an item in every loot, just saying.

Not sure if you ever noticed that most AOE mobs do normal dmg to the avatar they aggro on.
AOE in an event is good cuz everyone in the group do defense skills, and not die in a single hit.
Some exclusive event only items could be additional motivation.

If you disagree with above what is your proposal then?
I can only see negative speech without any value.


Active Member
Nah devs don't have to mess with Zeladoths, just don't use that mob in events again.
It's obvious some people don't like feeling like first day in game again and getting easily 1 hitted lol. :p
Okay Seriously tho, someone kept bringing swarms of them in to attack us and thats when+where it became a problem. If it was 1 mob at a time then it would not have been the complete and utter chaos with piles of players at revival terminal shooting at any random Zeladoths they could see.

Here's a reminder screenie taken from revival terminal... note the radar dots...

Personally I liked the Dukes best was great fun, don't change them and definitely bring them back for event.

As for AoE damage mobs just make some new ones, or upscale some existing just for events.
Like a Volcano Golem, Glacier Golem, or Mountain Nimet! :rofl:
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Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Yea AoE is a must for big event mobs, with enough players it splits the damage to be quite low between them. Check out some Kong videos or maybe turn up for one of neverdies events just for research. His Zombie Kong is set up quite well.
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Hagbard Celine

New Member
Not sure if you ever noticed that most AOE mobs do normal dmg to the avatar they aggro on.
AOE in an event is good cuz everyone in the group do defense skills, and not die in a single hit.
From my point of view AOE in event is bad because it decays everyones armour every hit, alternatively force you to use no armour and get on-shotted all the time.
Some exclusive event only items could be additional motivation.
Seems like that is not needed, as this event drew lots more people then they expected.
If you disagree with above what is your proposal then?
I can only see negative speech without any value.
If I must have a proposal it would be, spawn the mobs beforehand. But I had fun the whole time anyway. So I saw no reason to repeat that, just as I saw no reason to quote the parts Bellas message that I did agree with.
I can in retrospect see that this made me look negative.
Not sure if you ever noticed that most AOE mobs do normal dmg to the avatar they aggro on.

It's just that AoE damage is inversely related to the distance - someone standing close to the mob gets hit for 50, someone a dozen meters away gets hit for 12.

The problem with AoE is that everyone gets roughly the same defense cost - and it's prohibitively high for people with small guns who'd just want to test the waters.


As for AoE damage mobs just make some new ones, or upscale some existing just for events.
Like a Volcano Golem, Glacier Golem, or Mountain Nimet! :rofl:

Some reason as soon as I read this I realized I really REALLY want to see a boss Nimet named NINJA NIMET it may be a little early in the morning for me lol


Active Member
I was there for the dukes, which was probably the best bit of action for most ppl, but was quite laggy for me due so so many ppl around.

Apparently Kris had problems of what he could spawn and there was nothing really suitable for the overwhelming turnout. In terms of most settings and spread of loot I felt the dukes were fine, just not enough hp on them.

Personally I'd prefer to be 1-hit killed every now and again rather than have AoE, but the spawn position relative to revive becomes more important then, ofc.

If these events are to be more common, then what the mobs loot (loot table) will also be important. We seemed to be lucky this time on the number of multis, so most people probably made a small profit even with no items, but it won't usually be that way...

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
It's just that AoE damage is inversely related to the distance - someone standing close to the mob gets hit for 50, someone a dozen meters away gets hit for 12.

The problem with AoE is that everyone gets roughly the same defense cost - and it's prohibitively high for people with small guns who'd just want to test the waters.
That's a bad arguement.

With AoE people will wear no armor and sometimes die of 1 hit if their unlucky, but most of the time damage will be nicely split. There is no defense cost increase.

Without AoE people will guaranteed die in 1 shot, armor or not except the topmost players with super good armor. The defense cost is here, but 99% of players don't need armor, as they get 1 shotted armor or no, so there is no defense cost.

The clear solution is to do AoE split, and if you bitch about armor decay, take it off. You'll STILL be better off then wearing armor in solo damage type. In AoE you will take LESS damage without armor on then with it on in solo hit. I see no issue here whatsoever.

Hagbard Celine

New Member
Without AoE people will guaranteed die in 1 shot, armor or not except the topmost players with super good armor. The defense cost is here, but 99% of players don't need armor, as they get 1 shotted armor or no, so there is no defense cost.
That is simply not true, I am far from among the topmost players and I could survive with armour, not without.
It would be nice, but I do not believe that I got more HP than 99% players.

As for those with less HP, mobs prefer to aggro on the players doing the most damage;
Low-level players that would die form 2-3 AoE hits at medium distance can actually survive a big shared mob without AoE, as long as some of the topmost players is alive to deal damage at any given time.