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FIXED Executor Andre


I finally picked up mangchang weekly and to my surprise its bravado, one of the less usefull skills from all that could be there. No tokens either :( I really wished cyrene could give us chance to improve our attributes even further just like RT does.

Ok whinging mood over!

Nimets fixed according to VU notes ++ for that. (Btw its best reapeatable mission so far, rest have poor rewards, its not personal choices its just how skills work, i can expand on this if people want to know what skills are needed for what levels to have effective levelling up)

I couldnt check if i can pick it up or not, it wasnt showing in the npc - either because i still had timer or because i dont qualify, or maybe a bug?)

Ok i checked today, i found 21.87 ped :)

Sounds more like my test. Difference could be because of our different skill leveles, so its ok to say that its 21-22ped of the given skill! Sweet, makes the mission worthwile ;)



What about Paneleon weekly ? What skill we can have on this mission? :)
Inflict ranged damage :banghead:

There is a scenario for it - if you only have done hg/rifle all your life and now want to get into melee or MF, it can help to raise hit a bit. But yes, a rare scenario, especially at this mob level.

Yeah mob level too i guess. Its just not a skill that anyone would like to farm on repeatable missions. Its one of those - oh lets take bravado as other options are even worse.

Hey guys,

Seems this NPC and associated missions are now working properly, I'm going to flag this post as fixed.


Yes its fixed :loveshower:
I went there in evening and i did see the mission in the list witha green tick but i couldnt take it again and warning screen appeared saying i have to do rank 6 first. Which is correct and is fixed! Good job!

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
i've just updated quite a few missions on Entropedia to get the new 20k missions on, just looking for rewards if you know them


if anyone gets a picture to, drop it on here and ill add to Entropedia, im not on Cyrene atm


Nimets fixed according to VU notes ++ for that. (Btw its best reapeatable mission so far, rest have poor rewards, its not personal choices its just how skills work, i can expand on this if people want to know what skills are needed for what levels to have effective levelling up)


:D When you get some free time can you expand on this please? Allways great to get info from people that actually know what they are talking about.
