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The Hub Extra Hub areas


Lol mate, go knock one more glass and you surely will start to teach people how to go there :woohoo:

if I knew a sure way to get there, wouldn't I visited this wonderful place since a long time ago ?

Someone been a naughty girl haven't she Noorie :eek:
Time for for TLC :whip: :D and don't worry dear because just for you i'll bring a nice Pink Flamingo feather :cheer:
And i can promise 2 things, it won't hurt and you'll love it :drool::D

Even though you've made me run around like some lunatic in the HUB i'll still :loveshower: u ;)


Dont waste your time Erza.Noorie makes it look like you just out of knowhere get to this place but in fact if you dont know what you are doing you will never find it. You either get someone to show you how its done or next time im on Cyrene I will teach you how to get to Turrelia.:beerchug:

Thanks for the offer but it's cool :cool:
I had fun with some Mobs in there giving me some attention.lol
If it's a bug the dev's and PP will fix it asap :D

Entropia 2017-03-11 01.53.38.jpg


The entrance is inside the proving grounds. You just need to jump a bit, try a bit of mountaineering (climbing stuff you can't reach normally) and fall down a lot.

Thanks for that info and i might try it once more since i was in there last time :)


I just found out about this place last night. When I went I didn't see the Daughter of Turrelia NPC though. The giant crates seem to be the ARC badge room according to the map. The one in the ocean lead to nothing far as I seen, there was however two giant black blocks floating above the point over the ocean. This place is pretty cool, kind of a mystery to me what it is about. The way to access this area that I found is by going to one of the paid PvP arenas in the HUB. When you exit to go back to the main HUB you are instead transported to the top of the statue shown on the first pick and simply fall into the water to access the new area. This is possible from all the paid PvP areas far as I know, tried 3 different ones only though. Now you guys know, enjoy ;). However I believe this bug has broken the paid arenas. When I try to PvP with a friend there it does not let us and throws us into different instances. I was hoping to battle to get some white tokens, but I guess I need to wait for an update. Hope that part gets fixed soon and we get a full release of this new area eventually.


No pictures then it never happened. :eek:

Pics for you :). I think the black blocks are the Proving Grounds room itself or at least one of them are. The blue dot on the map near the block says that's what it is.

I only took a pic of one of the blocks. Kind of really dark here.


The HUB is really held up by this statue like the OP said lol


"His name is Robert Paulson"


Active Member
>The HUB is really held up by this statue like the OP said lol
Oh, ok. Sorry from me for saying otherwise then, but in the old days we fell into the ocean quite a long run from the statue and could see the whole hub area above the water if I remember correctly. Back then there were quite a few steps to getting there including boosted speed jump, jumping off a ledge and running around in the dark into a corner of the hub basement, yes.


Active Member
No doubt the entry methods will get closed off soon. :(
But if an item was found in TT, or looted that allowed entry...
Others suggested a shovel or pickaxe?
Maybe its a melee weapon that can also transport player to the underground 1 time.
So after transporting it disappears from inventory?


Sandal San Tolk
When you exit to go back to the main HUB you are instead transported to the top of the statue shown on the first pick
Just now I wasn't :( Do you have to try several times? Every entry costs pvp tokens which you cannot convert since there is nobody there.