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Bug Report February 28th, 2023 Official VU Bug Thread

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Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
:badbee:Please use this thread to post any bugs from the February 28th, 2023 VU :badbee:
As a heads up, there is an issue with the [Lysterium Infused Zyn-tainer Blueprint (L)], so that mission will be turned off until the mini patch.


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Active Member
It was crafted by Alouis successfully, including at least one nice one of 600ish peds. Dunno the issue, but once turned off my crafts of power containers didn't count, so my mission is on hold.


Active Member
How do we pick any token splinters that are in mid air from a vehicle? Landing on roofs is now possible for some splinters, yes, but all I seem to be able to do from a vehicle is see info about the tokens, not actually 'pick' them.
Also, what is the refining requirement or is that bugged too?


Active Member
Missing Mobs: My disciple wanted to get the easy imperium armor plate missions, but the imperium scouts are missing from the base, and also the dire weeds are not where the mission says he needs to kill them.
Kill the scouts or the dire weeds at another location doesn't get the counter up.. they don't count.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Spawn,

Missing Mobs: My disciple wanted to get the easy imperium armor plate missions, but the imperium scouts are missing from the base, and also the dire weeds are not where the mission says he needs to kill them.
Kill the scouts or the dire weeds at another location doesn't get the counter up.. they don't count.

Due to the issue with the Dire Weeds, Guy's Mission, should be turned off until we can recreate it one way or another.

Similarly, if the Scouts aren't in the area for Help the Cap'n mission, we'll shut that off temporarily and update them at the next available opportunity.

Thanks for the feedback!


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hello Jetsina,

How do we pick any token splinters that are in mid air from a vehicle? Landing on roofs is now possible for some splinters, yes, but all I seem to be able to do from a vehicle is see info about the tokens, not actually 'pick' them.

This was a player request from a few players who do go into the Duster Hazing Station.

We did attempt to adjust the item spawner for the token splinters to be more terrestrial, but it's incredibly difficult to test some things outside the live environment.

Also, what is the refining requirement or is that bugged too?

There should be no problem to share this information:

It should be 1,000 Cyrene Token Splinters = 1 Cyrene Mission Token.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hello Jo and Jetsina,

It was crafted by Alouis successfully, including at least one nice one of 600ish peds. Dunno the issue, but once turned off my crafts of power containers didn't count, so my mission is on hold.
what was the issue ? Was it the reason why i failed to craft it ? :cry_2:

The blueprint / recipe / item didn't work well together and needed further adjustments, everything should be working correctly now.



Active Member
Thanks for the replies.
As I recall, the splinters were originally only a tester anyway for the failure of the originally planned rig/station drops to spawn. However, now that we have them longer term, I think we need a much better refinement rate than 1 to 1k, even if with mu, a mission token is worth in the ballpark region of 10 pecs. Heck, I can't even refine myself one still...

The blueprint and recipe seem to be working fine for me now, thanks. I note the max tt is reduced, which is nice not to have peds tied up on any fuller ones.

I'd like to note harvesting briefly too. I still get flickering trees on some logins, so if that was the reason for changes, it's not solved completely. I also find the new thinned-out one-size tree areas very unattractive visually, and the area you have moved ermmm ...west has even worse visual vegetation now; you can hardly even call them trees at all.

I find myself having reactivated the next weekly harvesting mission, but not feeling any joy about visiting either area now. Just giving this as a reason for me personally about the 'feel' of an area. Thanks ...


Sandal San Tolk
Thanks for the replies.
As I recall, the splinters were originally only a tester anyway for the failure of the originally planned rig/station drops to spawn. However, now that we have them longer term, I think we need a much better refinement rate than 1 to 1k, even if with mu, a mission token is worth in the ballpark region of 10 pecs. Heck, I can't even refine myself one still...
It also occurred to me already that the mere cost of refining them is hardly worth it. If this was just a test anyway, how about replacing them with lime green tokens? There are only few and with people competing for it, I don't think it would take away activity from the Hub. Maybe even the opposite, that it works as a teaser to raise awareness where to get more of them. The relevant mission broker is already right there at Kwarn.


Active Member
I have said it in the cyrene discord but felt compelled to repeat it here.
Truly amazing event design and the spawn system and the teleporter system to spawns are simply perfect, the fact you can use a vehicle as well or relog in the same instance without being kicked out is great too.
The juicy skill pills are awesome!
For future event, maybe also add juicy offensive pills, it would be amazing something like equivalent of candy cane or hyperstim that you could sell or use.

As for bug.
Dunno if it can be called a bug, but if you relog in the instance the timer disappears. Though you still get kicked after 6h tho.
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