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Free Speech on Loot Theories #cyrene chat banned - wheres the fun ?

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
the thing is, some uneco weapons have a place, weapons with a high dps, lets says 70/sec but maybe an eco of 2.7 could be more eco Tha say 45/sec at 2.85eco against a high regen mob. There is a place for less eco weapons in some circumstances.


Active Member
Blimey you two..... (or is it only blimey one of you if the other one is correct? lol)
I didn't see the original chat, but I believe there are quite a few 'features' of the loot process which are somewhat hidden, but can be found by experimentation.

On the subject of gambling, a gambling authority can look at whatever games it wants to. The question is: do they clear the game as not gambling or do they judge that it comes under their jurisdiction? AFAIK, where gambling is allowed, the average return rate must be clearly stated on things like slot machines where internal processes are involved, but not on betting on outcomes where the gambler accepts set odds on an event happening or not.

I have seen neither by MA, so assume that the result of investigations is that somehow they have been able to convince authorities that playing EU is not gambling but taking 'business decisions within a game environment' or so.

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I'm not as experienced that others players but I'm a player with some background on EU.

I ''believe'' (theory) that the return in loot is influenced by the weapons used on specific mobs. Basically, each weapon has a ''factor'' that increment the scale of the loot. Also, each weapon is different depending on which mob you're using it.

Playing ''Eco'' will insure you to NOT profit BUT to be steady in your losses. That loss can be small or big depending of the combination weapon-mob.
Playing ''UnEco' will insure a ''swing'' in losses and potential gains depending of the combination weapon-mob.

Also, others factors has to be included in the algorithm.

All that to said that I agree with Agis on the theory.
(If you're willing to geive me more pointers, I'm willing to listen!)

BTW, I told new players to play ECO until they understand or shape their own idea in the game. Only to minimize loss. Not to gain.

Neo Jr XL

Haven't logged a lot recently, but was 'lucky' to witness the drama and realize Cyrene is changing..Still not sure why Agis got muted, he was leading nice though provocative discussion until some people unable or unwilling to 'think outside the box' joined and started to cry 'stfu'. Cyrene community was always mature enough to make their own decisions and not needing 'big brothers' to guard...I guess will need to adapt...

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
the thing is, some uneco weapons have a place, weapons with a high dps, lets says 70/sec but maybe an eco of 2.7 could be more eco Tha say 45/sec at 2.85eco against a high regen mob. There is a place for less eco weapons in some circumstances.

I agree completely there, however those are both Eco compared to the 1.6 damage per pec weapons and such that I belive this theory is about.


I dont have time or such mess. in irc type chat channel, like the one in EU - there is the channel operator functionality, that allows to mute/kick users when its required.
No1 got kicked, but even if so, its the one of the tools, that keeps other ppl away from spam and verbal abuse, of extensive level.

sad thing is, that its the second time in this single thread, that ppl construct their statement on false data provided by other ppl, that had no clue, but the oppinion.

Kicked or muted, my opinion still stands.


Active Member
Exactly harmony. Im glad I have the DOAD on ignore.

If there WERE exploits, MA really should get off their dead ass and fix them. Also, they should make them plainly PUBLIC. Along with a warning that anyone caught doing this stuff will be banned / suspended etc. Unless they really don't care.

This way the noob knows not to do this stuff right from the source, not some blow hard pretending to be protecting the masses. It would also alleviate the conception that many have concerning those who deposit tons, being allowed to get away with stuff and others... not so much. If we know what is considered an 'exploit' by MA then we know what we should not do.

Finally, I find it both amusing and nauseating that one giving 'facts' tends to know less about the game than one offering 'opinions' which are gleaned from years and years of experimentation.

Im thinking the ban happened because of the lovers quarrel more than the actual info being put out. It's over now and glad to see you back in cyrene chat Thantos.


Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Exactly harmony. Im glad I have the DOAD on ignore.

If there WERE exploits, MA really should get off their dead ass and fix them. Also, they should make them plainly PUBLIC. Along with a warning that anyone caught doing this stuff will be banned / suspended etc. Unless they really don't care.

This way the noob knows not to do this stuff right from the source, not some blow hard pretending to be protecting the masses. It would also alleviate the conception that many have concerning those who deposit tons, being allowed to get away with stuff and others... not so much. If we know what is considered an 'exploit' by MA then we know what we should not do.

Finally, I find it both amusing and nauseating that one giving 'facts' tends to know less about the game than one offering 'opinions' which are gleaned from years and years of experimentation.

Im thinking the ban happened because of the lovers quarrel more than the actual info being put out. It's over now and glad to see you back in cyrene chat Thantos.


Funny that you don't even seem to understand the situation, Thantos was never blocked from chat, he was the one doing the blocking.


Active Member
Sub zero I believe there is, if you go into your options, I believe you access by clicking your name in the upper right corner, you can select folks to ignore in the forum.
I did say Thantos, .. Agis was the OP, my bad there, I apologize, but still the rest of my statement stands.



Blimey you two..... (or is it only blimey one of you if the other one is correct? lol)
I didn't see the original chat, but I believe there are quite a few 'features' of the loot process which are somewhat hidden, but can be found by experimentation.

On the subject of gambling, a gambling authority can look at whatever games it wants to. The question is: do they clear the game as not gambling or do they judge that it comes under their jurisdiction? AFAIK, where gambling is allowed, the average return rate must be clearly stated on things like slot machines where internal processes are involved, but not on betting on outcomes where the gambler accepts set odds on an event happening or not.

I have seen neither by MA, so assume that the result of investigations is that somehow they have been able to convince authorities that playing EU is not gambling but taking 'business decisions within a game environment' or so.

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Swedish Finanzinspektionen "had a look at Entropia". Not sure they understood everything. ;p

With VU 8.7 (1st Nov 2006) PEDs, in form of golden coins, (had to be) got removed from the loot window.
One can only guess why. ;p

John Jacob Cofey

New Member
I'm New to cyrene Forums and only 3 months Entropia Universe and I personally love hearing peoples conspiracies, I mean Loottheroies,I mean Opinions. I take it all in and then experiment my own ways see what fits my playstyle/Budget and ask questions. I'll listen to most anything until people start getting radical and immature


Active Member
Ive noticed that different weapons bring different loot's on the same mob. I sweat panelions a LOT. Ive killed plenty of them. Now of course there are the good days and the bad days bla bla,but it seems that the weapon you use affects what you get as loot. Using my Fenris would drop scrap metal, a rare power supply and the usual lion crap. Using the ozpyn would drop more power supplies, some of the less common color thingies and some other look that you really didn't see much on the fenris. Using a Piron would drop another loot that had other mixtures in it. Using pistols would bring in other loots. All from the same mob in the same place, and I have repeated these 'tests' on many days to verify it wasn't just one of those 'good loot' days (as rare as those seem to be over the past three months on this rock)

So with this, I throw this variable out. You all talk about eco. You are just looking at the weapon .vs. decay .vs. ammo burn. None of your formula's take into consideration the loot you get, if there is any MU on it, what weapon tends to bring in better MU stuff or even MORE on the average loot return. Wouldn't it make sense in some instances to shoot a gun that is slightly less eco as far as just the decay and ammo if it is bringing in better loot stuffs?

Ive gotten my biggest HOF hunting with a rifle with a slightly over rated amp on it. yes it is a tad un eco but the returns tend to be pretty good on it. Just saying.

Ive noticed that different weapons bring different loot's on the same mob. I sweat panelions a LOT. Ive killed plenty of them. Now of course there are the good days and the bad days bla bla,but it seems that the weapon you use affects what you get as loot. Using my Fenris would drop scrap metal, a rare power supply and the usual lion crap. Using the ozpyn would drop more power supplies, some of the less common color thingies and some other look that you really didn't see much on the fenris. Using a Piron would drop another loot that had other mixtures in it. Using pistols would bring in other loots. All from the same mob in the same place, and I have repeated these 'tests' on many days to verify it wasn't just one of those 'good loot' days (as rare as those seem to be over the past three months on this rock)

So with this, I throw this variable out. You all talk about eco. You are just looking at the weapon .vs. decay .vs. ammo burn. None of your formula's take into consideration the loot you get, if there is any MU on it, what weapon tends to bring in better MU stuff or even MORE on the average loot return. Wouldn't it make sense in some instances to shoot a gun that is slightly less eco as far as just the decay and ammo if it is bringing in better loot stuffs?

Ive gotten my biggest HOF hunting with a rifle with a slightly over rated amp on it. yes it is a tad un eco but the returns tend to be pretty good on it. Just saying.


Read mine reply earlier. exactly what you said


I looted a lot of item A and item B using item C.

Using item D did not make me loot A & B.

When I used item C again I did still not loot A & B.

This was tested over several weeks.
Its dynamic as well. It also felt more like "mob X has item A & B only on special days/times"


New Member
I don't know you really, but respect you as a player for sure. That being said - I think there should be a function to ban people from channels for a variety of reasons. It doesn't sound like you should have been in this situation, but I wasn't there to witness the conversation - so really can't say. But, I don't like the sound of the reason you were banned.
Stay up bud!


Fate Thanatos Themis
I don't know you really, but respect you as a player for sure. That being said - I think there should be a function to ban people from channels for a variety of reasons. It doesn't sound like you should have been in this situation, but I wasn't there to witness the conversation - so really can't say. But, I don't like the sound of the reason you were banned.
Stay up bud!

if u had checked the thread, he wasnt banned. both guys were muted for 2-3h to calm down. The reason was not the topic, the loot theories ofc, just the form of the discussion that went out of the civil manners.