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Free Speech on Loot Theories #cyrene chat banned - wheres the fun ?

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
I looted a lot of item A and item B using item C.

Using item D did not make me loot A & B.

When I used item C again I did still not loot A & B.

This was tested over several weeks.
Its dynamic as well. It also felt more like "mob X has item A & B only on special days/times"

This 100%


Active Member
So, I guess the outcome is, everyone has their theories on 'loot'. Most will disagree with each other based on 'their' observation. So in the end, nobody really knows, there are no formula's that are public, and everyone is full of crap then I guess. If someone does figure something out, a quick tweak of a number and out they go again!

In all seriousness though, Id say just listen to what folks have to say, give some of the ideas a try if they sound intriguing, and if it works out for you stick with, if not, try something else.
