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Good Luck on Launch Team Cyrene!


Active Member
Anxiously awaiting the launch of Cyrene here. Our SOC is locked and loaded and equipped with enough supplies to last us at least a week before we have to re-stock with tools/faps/weapons/etc. (But I know Cyrene's loot will provide some nice mid-high level weapons and faps in our loot so we don't have to travel elsewhere.....)

Hope all goes smoothly for ya and we'll be spamming chat with discoveries minutes after the planet goes live!

Obsidian Society


MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Thanks Menace ... it's an exciting time for sure. :thumbup:

My radio partner (Syer) and I are in the last throws of preparing to start broadcasting live just before the launch to get things going, and then he'll be on the Soldiers of Fortune Mothership (Alabama) broadcasting and doing commentary on what's happening during the flights to Cyrene.

My official avatar is sitting at Genesis until after the launch when Kris will then move me to the planet where I will continue broadcasting from there and giving commentary on all that's going on. Both of us will be on air at the same time, and both of us will be collecting photos and video footage to post at the new MSR website.

I have the "Global" and "HoF" sound effects prepared to air when they happen, and we'll be announcing those, as well as any discoveries found over the air. While I'm on the planet, I'll be announcing who's showing up to get their exploration on, as well as what the general activity is overall, but ... I'll probably be roaming around too and giving commentary on what I see. Might have me a few "Mob Chats" like back in the old days. :D

Syer and I have a few things to tweak tonight before we get any sleep, but we will be ready bright and early to get the party started on air at least, and get everyone revved up with some wake-up music. :p

See you on the planet. :yay:

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Thanks =)

Everything is set and ready - at least here - hope everything will go as planned for MA and the rest of the team ^^

I hope you all too will have success tomorrow and those of you who plan on visiting Cyrene, see you there ^^


New Member
Haven't seen the costumary official servers downtime warning :(

I don't wish you luck. Just hope it all goes according to plan. That should be more than enough.


Things that make you go Hmm!
Woot best wishes for a smooth update and launch to Planet Cyrene!! Time to put the party shoes on and rock and roll!!!!! Looking forward to fun and laughs and a new happy home on Cyrene!! :thumbup:


New Member
crack open those beers and bubbly, and enjoy the day Cyrene staff. No stress you've put in the hard work already enjoy. I gotta work tomorrow so don't dump all the loot in the first few hours.:beerchug:

see you 7pm UK time.

Best of luck to all that come to cyrene, and to the space pirates get a life and come down and enjoy the planet.



ps: MA switch off any sh***y loot for 24 hours errr 48 hrs....ok a whole week.:braa:


New Member
Good luck folks. Confess I am a little disappointed at the later start time for the outage as it means I will be asleep by the time it is done. I was hoping to come over straight away but it looks like I will have to wait till afer work tomorrow.

Unless I am sick (practices sniffles).


MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Thanks everyone, your well wishes are most appreciated. :thumbup:

It's definitely an exciting time. I can't wait to see everything I've been writing about (almost), because some things we're saving for the hardcore launch with all the media hoopla. :D

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Cyrene, even if it's just for a visit.

Syer and I will be broadcasting live together over MSR letting everyone know what's going on. Syer will be aboard the Soldiers of Fortune Mothership (Alabama) after launch, and I'll be on the planet as soon as my official avatar gets moved from Genesis. I'll be letting everyone know what's happening on the planet and giving names on air of who's showing up for birth day. :p

Have a safe flight, and see you there! :)