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hail to one and all...

The Ripper

New Member
I think I follow Syer's thoughts. I don't typically get a lot of time to read the forums extensively etc but everything I have read about Cyrene really helps to wet the apetite of future cyrene residents :D

GL all and great work Cyrene team! :D

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
I think I follow Syer's thoughts. I don't typically get a lot of time to read the forums extensively etc but everything I have read about Cyrene really helps to wet the apetite of future cyrene residents :D

GL all and great work Cyrene team! :D

Hi Ripper - how awesome to see you here :dance: And I agree, a lot of HUNGRY people now ha ha ... and it's hopefully soon time to feed the starving community ;)

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
I now have more news about the question about the mob's stats and the maps.

The universe is vast and mysterious and the planets to be discovered, experienced and conquered by mankind. By publishing world maps and mob stats, we remove the essentials of Entropia Universe; to explore and be the driving force in game. A lot of people love this when a new planet is launched, and we would take away their feel of being true explorers if we revealed all this info.

But if you are unsure of the mob's forces in relation to your own skills and abilities, then the NPCs found in the surrounding areas will be of great help in relation to lore and information about the mobs, so you have a chance to be prepared anyway. And if you're still unsure about a mob, you can always bring a scanner and be the first to 'discover' it =)


again, I have no idea...
YES not revealing all the stats or creatures is a great idea and gives us something to discover. Not mentioning new stuff in the release nots would be a great idea as well if you ask me. Imagine all the threads in the forum "WFT I discovered a new mob !!!"


New Member
I just want know if Cyrene staff will release a Super High resolution map of Cyrene a bit later after the planet has launched. (In game map fails bad)