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Bug Report Having Trouble with 'Getting Crafty'


New Member
Just wanted to report this bug I've encountered, When I try to finish my 'Getting crafty' mission (the one where u hand in 10 power cells to claim the Spear MKI) I cannot get the NPC who gave me the mission to activate.

I'm not sure what is happening here because a lot of ppl have completed this, I asked at main camp and was told someone just completed it an hour before me so it looks like it's still working for others, just not me :(

About the only things I think that would stop me from completing this mission that ive done is I went back to the NPC with low grade power cells, not light power cells(oops) and that the way I aquired the power cells(I bought 8 from AU and crafted 2 myself).

Well hope to have my Spear very soon, zoom zoom zoom :)

Thx to all Cyrene staff, I am liking the planet sofar :)


Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Hi Infeliece

We know some of the missions have problems still - but one way to try and 'trick' it is to restart the mission. I know it sucks, but it might help.

The team is looking into solving the mission issues - and we really appreciate when you log the bugs here (like you did) because some of it might have 'changed' since last patch into new issues or there might be smaller issues we yet didn't discover - so thank you very much :thumbup:

I hope the issues are solved soon so you can get your Spear / continue with the missions. If there's anything else, please return :)

Best of luck


New Member
Thanx for the quick reply Lykke, when i quit the mission and did it again it worked like a charm :) So thanx for the advice.

Just to let u know what other missions are not working for me atm are Guy's mission, I can take the mission but I dont get kills awarded for the mission and Getting battle ready, I abandoned that mission and am unable to get it back again.

I understand the Cyrene team are working hard to fix these and realy appreciate the way the last VU fixed up a lot of the missions, must be a lot of work to get a new planet up and running bug free :)

Once again ty


Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Awesome to hear that :) Gratz on the Spear - now try not to run me over with it :D

It is indeed hard work, but we're getting there :thumbup: thank you.

I hope the other missions soon will work as they should too.



New Member
Just to let u know what other missions are not working for me atm are Guy's mission, I can take the mission but I dont get kills awarded for the mission

After the patch when the Dire Weeds came back, the kill area for Guy's Mission has shrunk again - you have to be standing at 128826, 83868, or very close, for any kills to count.