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HOF - 484 ped lysterium


New Member
On my third day bombing the grounds of the beautiful landscapes of Cyrene, this happened:

2012-05-03 -- Lysterium Stone 484 PED .jpg

I was playing in windowed mode and seeing a video while mining and I had the sound a bit loud so that i could play and still hear the video.
Long story short, the HOF sound scared the **** out of me :D

Maybe this was the first mining HOF in Cyrene. Too bad it was lysterium (a lot of time extracting it) but i wasn't really expecting to get something big on local ores in the first days of Cyrene.

I am enjoying a lot this planet, love the design of mobs and the sceneries. :cheer:


MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Gratz! :thumbup:

Looks like a very interesting location you're in with all the greenery, almost like a hidden forest. :D


New Member
Thank you Lykke and Calli!

Gratz! :thumbup:

Looks like a very interesting location you're in with all the greenery, almost like a hidden forest. :D

I was not paying much attention to where I was heading, since i was watching a video and my sleipnir bumped into a tree. When i noticed that, I exited the sleipnir, dropped a bomb and :woohoo:

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
I was not paying much attention to where I was heading, since i was watching a video and my sleipnir bumped into a tree. When i noticed that, I exited the sleipnir, dropped a bomb and :woohoo:

:xxxlaugh:... I love little stories that come with globals and hofs ... that was awesome! :thumbup: