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Bug Report Hub Issues


Active Member
Might as well start a thread to list all the issues in the Hub areas.

Lime Green Tokens. They spawn places we can't reach them, ie walls, under the floor, in the ceiling etc. Since spawns in there are persistent I believe (they don't go away after time) they sit there which overall I believe will harm the spawn rate. Two possible solutions, either they expire after a certain amount of time, lets say 12 or 24 hours, or make them summons able like mining claims that are out of reach so that we can get to them. Since you have to be close enough to 'see' or 'target' them anyways it's not like someone can sit in the middle and spawn every token in there so it would be hard to abuse.


Well-Known Member
In addition I would like to say:
1. Remove radar where is working (proving grounds, 1 ped area, etc...)
2. Remove auto aim, auto loot functionality.
3. Hand over the hub to the active players.

Crafting terminal will be a good addition to the hub.


Active Member
Very good idea on the remove radar. In PvP it sucks. If you want to see if someone is hiding somewhere go LOOK for them. :shoot:



Kris - any update on this :)?

Seems that HUB Proving grounds is the only PvP i actually will like in Entropia (all other: Forts, pvp lootbale, space - i find no fun) :).

Would be fun to have this place working right and more tokens spawnig will probably encourage more people to go there = more potential pvp fights.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I do have a few updates on this:

Lime Green Tokens. They spawn places we can't reach them, ie walls, under the floor, in the ceiling etc. Since spawns in there are persistent I believe (they don't go away after time) they sit there which overall I believe will harm the spawn rate.

I have adjusted the locations for token spawns for the next PP VU.

Two possible solutions, either they expire after a certain amount of time, lets say 12 or 24 hours, or make them summons able like mining claims that are out of reach so that we can get to them. Since you have to be close enough to 'see' or 'target' them anyways it's not like someone can sit in the middle and spawn every token in there so it would be hard to abuse.

This is not currently possible within this system. However if the token spawns do not get stuck anywhere it should not be an issue.

1. Remove radar where is working (proving grounds, 1 ped area, etc...)

Sure we can try and remove it for a VU, right now it's only in to show if there are other players inside.

2. Remove auto aim, auto loot functionality.

This is a functionality of game, I don't think this can be altered =)

3. Hand over the hub to the active players.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by this, care to elaborate?

Crafting terminal will be a good addition to the hub.

TunerS answers this:
It is already in the main HUB lobby.

I hope this gives a solid update for the Hub, there ore some other changes but it's too early to talk about them now.



Well-Known Member
Hi Kris,
Removing the radar will disable auto aim functionality (check 10 ped area for example).
This also apply for the lootable pvp next to Ngu volcano.
The element of surprise is lost if we have a radar in pvp.


Sandal San Tolk
I know it has been mentioned, just to cast my vote: If it was possible to do away with the forced unequipping of one's mindforce implant (and, ideally, clothes) then a major nuisance would be no more.

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
I know it has been mentioned, just to cast my vote: If it was possible to do away with the forced unequipping of one's mindforce implant (and, ideally, clothes) then a major nuisance would be no more.

Its more complicated then turning it on or off, for instance The Arctic before Neverdie got overwhelmed of the implant, and Ancient Greece.

The only fix we got is they lowered the cost of re-implementing the chip which cost 1 pec instead of insane peds.

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
Heres a few ideas i had to help with the hub,

1. Decrease token amounts per spawn
2. Increase kill bounty per player
3. Have heals at entrance of the PG
4. Removing the minimap may disable auto target and aim


Active Member
Oh NOW that you got your coat you want the token spawn reduced? :D
Increase kill bounty, im either way with that one, when you look at the big picture it is kind of costly for 4 tokens
heals, yep that helps
remove minimap yes big yes there, let folks find each other in the hub by running into each other not radar sniffing them out 100 yds away. If you don't want to remove the radar then leave the price per kill at 4 tokens per, they want the tokens they can pay for them :D


Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
Oh NOW that you got your coat you want the token spawn reduced? :D
Increase kill bounty, im either way with that one, when you look at the big picture it is kind of costly for 4 tokens
heals, yep that helps
remove minimap yes big yes there, let folks find each other in the hub by running into each other not radar sniffing them out 100 yds away. If you don't want to remove the radar then leave the price per kill at 4 tokens per, they want the tokens they can pay for them :D


Actually I don't have my coat still 280K/550K :)

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Thanks for the reports/suggestions =)

We'll be working improvements for the Hub for the next PP VU.



Active Member
Getting into the hub was abysmally slow this morning, when I did and put stuff in my locker I lost inventory. About 230 tokens went away. and YES I tried to relog, they are gone, NOT happy, also had to relog to get the equipment back that it unequipped from me. What's going on here? The hub should NOT be this bad this time of the day.
