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Bug Report Hub Issues

George Skywalker

Active Member
Bug report

PRINT SCREEN 2015-06-08 18-50-36.jpg

Unable to register Coat of The Proving Grounds (M)

I'm guessing it's getting confused with my previous hub only coat I registered. Moving my registered coat to planetside storage had no effect.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey George Skywalker,

I'll look into ones that we can fix on our end:

Bug report

View attachment 2557

Unable to register Coat of The Proving Grounds (M)

I'm guessing it's getting confused with my previous hub only coat I registered. Moving my registered coat to planetside storage had no effect.

And ones that we have to ask MA about:

Found another bug jumping and turning at same time causes a rubber banding effect. You skip back to a previous position.



Active Member
George sometimes bugs like that might be good. If you get stuck on a stairwell or something, that stunt may free you so you don't have to teleport out to be free again.



Well-Known Member
Hi Kris,
Removing the radar will disable auto aim functionality (check 10 ped area for example).
This also apply for the lootable pvp next to Ngu volcano.
The element of surprise is lost if we have a radar in pvp.

Bump to get the radar removed in PVP4