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Active Member
Welcome in Entropia Universe, welcome on Planet Cyrene! Enjoy the game and have fun.


New Member
Thank you kenji.
Even though I have just traveled to Calypso for a short time to skill up...
I am very proud to be born on planet Cyrene


Well-Known Member
welcome to cyrene :) more than willing to lend a hand if you need anything find me in the register or pm me here.


New Member
thanks non that is very kind of you...
which planet are you currently on if I may ask?


New Member
I really like the way Cyrene made noob beach...
Kudos to the team doing all the hard work!


New Member
Hi Lykke, and thank you I will!

Thank you Khai Oni Cuthach... I will definitely do that as soon as I'm back on Cyrene. I have been planet hopping, getting acquainted with Entropia Universe and am currently doing some missions on Next Island.