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Imperium Noble/Common Clothes

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
Finally! The long wait comes to an end. Cyrene has released a nice amount of clothes blueprints for the community to discover and craft these masterpieces. To be honest I don't know who to thank more; The Cyrene Team or Kris. *think Kris will try to take all the credit* So round applause to the 'Whole' Cyrene Team for developing an master piece of creative and original design. *yes includes you Kris*
Clothes Ad.jpg

If you would like any part of these outfits, Contact Mrx or myself. For limited time bring supplies +5 ped per click of (Common) and +8 Ped per click of (Noble) item when the loot system more stable we will charge a total price!

*+5 Ped/+8 Ped per item is per click of success (will not charge for near success or failures)*

Here is more information on the clothing down below.
As for the description all the clothes are the same says '???'.

(M) and (F) Noble/Common Outfits are now on Display for all to enjoy!
All Clothes have been Discovered!

Thanks To:
Mrx - For help showing off the 'Common' Outfit.
SpaceGiraffe - For Showing off the 'Noble' and 'Common' Outfit.
Kris - For no good reason.

-The 'Noble' Chief and The 'Common' MrX

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys!

Finally! The long wait comes to an end. Cyrene has released a nice amount of clothes blueprints for the community to discover and craft these masterpieces. To be honest I don't know who to thank more; The Cyrene Team or Kris. *think Kris will try to take all the credit* So round applause to the 'Whole' Cyrene Team for developing an master piece of creative and original design. *yes includes you Kris*

I have relayed this to The WHOLE Cyrene Team (which I'm a part of/the best one on the team) and they (me included) are very happy that the players have discovered and our Cyrene clothing! We have many talented artists both 2D and 3D and everything that looks great on Cyrene is made by them (you can blame me for any bad looking stuff XD ).

As for the description all the clothes are the same says '???'.

Unfortunately there is a disconnect happening with the game strings, they will a description for the next VU.


Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
Information updated, (F) outfits added! Thanks to everyone who help get these clothes discovered, yes includes those high price target chips bought from auction too.


Active Member
That's true.

Sorry.... tried simply agreeing with you for the purposes of "getting along" but at risk of this thread going nuclear because someone doesn't share the same opinion as the "Chief" I'm gonna open my mouth anyway.....I think Cyrene staff needs opinions of all walks of players even if one is the "odd man out".

One of the (C) clothing patterns would have fit that bill (Matching a wider range of outfits).... IMO shoes should have been mainly black with a small amount of orange and grey. I mean... Noble pattern is recognized by the COLORS orange and black. The pattern itself isn't Unique.. it's the same as the common isn't it?(err... not the common shirt... one of the other (C) shirts.... I crafted a couple the other day just can't remember which pattern it was). I'm under the impression that the COLORS are what make it Unique (Can't replicate that bright orange with paints).

I also don't have to "like it as it is". I'm allowed to mention the fact that something just doesn't "go with the theme of things" on Cyrene... in fact.. I COULD hate it completely and refuse to buy the shoes all together. (Though I wont cuz it's not that bad...)
The Shoes definately do NOT match the rest of the outfit because there is no white in the Noble outfit. That being said.... IRL we don't always match our shoes to our outfits.... I just kinda figured that in-game for "searching" purposes by players they'd have done it that way.... (John Doe wants shoes to match his colonist OJ's and it is suggested he tries the Noble Shoes for example). In game people tend to get "stuck" on the colors of all clothing/armor.

It is in my opinion... that the shoes need SOME orange on them (not a lot).

Congratulations, you intentionally turned an informational thread into a hijacked bitch complaint thread. Good work menace, Keep up the trolling.

You ask why Cyrene community treats you indifferent then other people, Its because you do stupid shit like this.

@Kris suggest locking this thread before this reject makes it worse.

Let's please not turn this in to another war. Menace did not go off topic here. It is a thread about the clothes. He asked if the shoes were as intended and gave his opinion about why he felt they should have a bit of orange. No big deal, and no reason for any of us to start arguing again.

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
This thread gotten out of hand.

Menace, I had to remove your quote from PM - Please, read our forum rules here:


2.5 You are not allowed to post personal messages which were sent to you in confidence - the same goes for in-game / outside of game chat logs, e-mails, voice chats, etc.

To everyone:

Please, keep things on topic or I will have to close the thread.

Thank you!

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
Hey pal Menace, You missed one Post #8

Sorry.... tried simply agreeing with you for the purposes of "getting along" but at risk of this thread going nuclear because someone doesn't share the same opinion as the "Chief" I'm gonna open my mouth anyway.....I think Cyrene staff needs opinions of all walks of players even if one is the "odd man out".

Just that part needs to be cleaned out and we are good, rest of it is a legit.

-The Chief

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
I think Cyrene staff needs opinions of all walks of players even if one is the "odd man out".

Hi Menace

The Cyrene Staff is very interested in constructive feed-back from the community - both positive as negative - and we also said that many times. However, the threads and posts still need to follow our few forum rules.

Looks like things in this thread got 'sorted' out for now though :)

Thank you