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Bug Report Important Note - sent to support - Urgent Exploit Possibility


Well-Known Member
Copy of Support case - so i cant be locked but also I cant stop hunting either

On 2012-05-29 14:09:54 you wrote:
Please note that the Mature Beetle and Mang Cheng mobs deal no damage after the latest update after the first hit, Please investigate as I dont want to exploit , but also i cant not hunt .. thank you


New Member
Last VU some bots used to do that too. The different attacks a mob can use are apparently bugged sometimes. It's not your fault, it was designed to do so. Or not. In which case they will let you know. I would hunt anyway, the difference in cost per mob is minimal, MA still gets their cut.


New Member
This bug sometimes appears on other mobs like the L29 Den Mother.... Also the mobs can't sit still they try to walk over you repeatedly.

Nor Alien

Whisker Fish
This bug sometimes appears on other mobs like the L29 Den Mother.... Also the mobs can't sit still they try to walk over you repeatedly.
And they get a little close and personal as well. (the mobs that is) You can clearly see down the beetles throat. Looks like it ate a colonist!! :D


Well-Known Member
come to think of it the mob does the intial strike , I think this maybe intentional after seeing the Mudjaw attack but the Wiles does not and when it does its almost 150-200 damage, Its a softlaunch remember , all the diffucult mobs hurt on the first strike but not after unless you try to back away, I think MA would have fixed this if it was a potential exploit really quick - like they do normally - but on a personal level I think Ed and the team are letting us play with 'SOME' of the big mobs as the play mobs only have ranged attack not close combat. I think they are letting us play. but there is a bug with mobs inside you. Some may sting you others you can play with perfect balance, Scout Bots you can play but fenris you get stung , same with Skreel and Mudjaw stung and Wiles you can play but try to aovid the intial strike as it could kill you..

In the past MA have allowed you to play with big mobs to fill the loot pool then they NERF them to the original mechanics (did on Arkadia with Huon, Yuka etc.. and on Calypso with Proteron). Think this is the same

