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In Search of Cyrene's Historical Symbol

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
There are some really great offerings here ... and welcome Rei, glad to have you as a new member. The creative talent of what's being presented here is amazing and quite unique, can't wait to see more.

A big thank you to everyone who is posting! :thumbup:

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the new, great entries :woohoo:

Everything with a location is updated in the EntropiaPlanet's wiki in this event's section.


EDIT: I see some pictures don't show up - it's like the last entries are eaten when added - will ask the Wiki Gurus ...

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Oo Reiyel ... that is indeed VERY odd! It looks like the sign of Cyrene burned itself to the buildings? Perhaps from a distance above???

Great find ;) Thank you :thumbup:


New Member
I went looking around the globe in my Sleipnir and found this: Gosses Bluff Impact Crater, Nothern Territory, Australia.

Despite the destructive impact you can still see that it was once Cyrene's hystorical figure!
(was it a ship? or a comet sculpted in that shape to make Earth aware of Cyrene? or ...?)

I can proudly say: no tampering with Photoshop or such needed whatsoever! Beat that ;D

PS. "Center Point Latitude: -24.0 Center Point Longitude: 132.5"
(Negative numbers indicate south for latitude and west for longitude)

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
You are all so incredibly creative :clap:

I love what you have all found - and the archaeologists are jumping like crazy here.

At the same time science astrologers are also running around like a fire storm ever since they discovered some very weird electrical vibration in space a few days ago, which they can not explain... Anyone noticed if anything is going on out there?