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In Search of Cyrene's Historical Symbol

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
I have to agree with Lykke for sure ... the creativity here is absolutely amazing! :thumbup:

And as far as the electrical vibrations go ... I know NOTHING. :D


New Member

Here we see evidence of cyrene just before the dawn of mankind , note that the rock face it appears on is upside down which means cyrene was there before some huge catastrophe early in the earths history.


New Member

The monolith .
Ancient Africa. 3million BC , where it inspires a starving group of the hominid ancestors of human beings to conceive of tools.


New Member
the brain.jpg

Notice the cyrocampus , the driving force behind the evolution of man . This large gland only appears in hominids , it is thought that this is responsible for the leap in brain function at first for tools then language and later mind force.
That was too awesome, Syer! Thank you for a great contribution and inspiration indeed :bowdown:

I am not sure where I can add it on the map though :D What would be your preferred location?

Love the mystery you add to your videos - they are captivating and fascinating :thumbup:

I know where u can add it too the map.... make that a commercial for TV. It would be an awesome ad!

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Great pictures people - keep them coming =) :cheer::loveshower:

Just remember to add pictures where the symbol is visible. Some of them seem a little too small and that makes it difficult to see the symbol in them.


Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Can't believe you guys can keep finding these things around :openmouth: It's nothing less than AMAZING!

It will be hard for the scientists to find THE uber proof of Cyrene from ancient time and space.

Great job folks :thumbup:


A pixel guy
Many people have seen the Vitruvian Man, but almost nobody knows that it's a second version and is pale copy of the original. When Leonardo created the first one, clerics were horrified by the blasphemy, supposing it depicts that a Man is equal to God. Leonardo narrowly escaped a trial by the Inquisition but the drawing was confiscated from him. When it was shown to Pope Innocent VIII, he ordered to hang it on the wall of his bedroom, where it remains since then, hidden from the public eyes.

Now the most important part: look at the face and don't let the long hair confuse you. We know that Leonardo foretold many wonders of our time, but could he really foresee through the centuries the face of the man whose destiny will be to rediscover Cyrene for humankind? Thinking of it makes me shiver.


Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
wow just wow !! VERY cool - and hey Svarog, I am SURE Leonardo created Mona Ed there somehow! Se, there's a smile on his face :D

The bedbugofoid is way cute - but it might take a million of them in a team to tame something which actually looks like one big mob :p Looks like their bites might itch though!

And Nexa, you keep spitting them out !! I'm amazed to see how far around the world, the symbol of Cyrene has been spread!

Great job :thumbup: