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Jonah's Wiles Destoyer

Acey Bray

New Member

I recently discovered this weapon Jonah's Wiles Destoyer

wiles destroyer.jpg

Can you please confirm if this weapon is an unlimited or limited version please




can you put it in the repair terminal?
Very nice gun if it is UL :)

gz on the discovery either way though.



New Member
Grats on the find!

May I ask what you looted it from?

I'm also interested in buying it, so if you are interested in selling it, pls send me a PM :)

Acey Bray

New Member
Thanks everyone, L or UL its still a lethal hunting weapon, i didnt think id be that lucky to loot an ul version of one of these now but i guess its only around the corner

It cant be repaired nor does it have a condition limit of 50% and it was looted from a nasty wiles mob

p.s. tpd more times than i had hot dinners


Active Member
That gun is simply bad-ass.. kinda too bad-ass i might add. Would be interesting to see it's dmg/pec and avg dps etc.

You sure it's not a bug that its "Laser Sniper hit"? 61 attacks per min Laser sniper hit? with that big damage and descent range, seems quite odd. Normally laser carbines have slow rate of fire and big dmg/range


A pixel guy
Normally laser carbines have slow rate of fire and big dmg/range

Normal laser pistols don't have a range of 60+ meters as ARS does :) So it seems normal in this part of the universe.

Also do you guys realize it's an year old thread? :p