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Kenji's achievements


Active Member
Hello all :)
Today unlocked first hidden skill for Paramedic profession. :beerchug:


Hope skilling will go faster now for the next one at Level 25 :headbang:

Gl all and have fun in Entropia Universe!

Update: 23 January 2015 - Unlocked Treatment !


Special thanks to all who helped me to get here: Kjellings, Harmony, Zub-Zero, Thanatos and all others who needed me in their huntings.

Soon bigger faps for big mobs if needed, but will still use my thrusted Vivo T15 (tier 3.0 atm), cause this one doesnt add markup in the healing costs, so less healing expenses for hunter!

Update: 20 April 2015 - Unlocked Coolness ! :shoot:


Few more goals on the way, but glad I finally got this :)
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Well-Known Member
I have such nice armor now, and you have low settings on :(

Big gratz on your achievement! And now onwards to Medical Therapy! :)


Active Member
Good job, I like seeing when folks make milestones. Me I don't really hammer towards anything for the most part, I just pick day by day and next thing you know.. something good happens... or my ped card is empty.. generally the latter. I find that when you focus too much on a 'goal' the game is not as fun anymore, you get too concentrated on your progress and not the overall game experience. That doesn't mean I can't throw a tantrum now and then when I get reamed really good but... well :D

To put it another way, Im glad to see someone I know get something good for the ped I donated :D
there that sounds better.
