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Known Issue: Turrelion Outpost/Duster Area

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
The Turrelion Outpost / Duster area has issues with a turret missing.

This is one of the toughest areas on Cyrene meant for larger groups.

We suggest you stay away from this area until the issue has been solved, and will be back with updates as soon as we know more.

We apologize for the inconvenience this might have caused.


New Member
ya im stuck there too.... crashes every time i try to log in :(
this will cause a extremely large repair bill on my armor :/

Brumle Brumle Hunter


New Member
I tp:d to "inner turrelion". Crowded with mobs and revive without turret.
No chance to get away and RAM-crash on login..

My advice.. dont go there!
You will be stuck.

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
I tp:d to "inner turrelion". Crowded with mobs and revive without turret.
No chance to get away and RAM-crash on login..

My advice.. dont go there!
You will be stuck.

Sorry Shoe, I had to move this to the right section - but also into the thread with this bug topic already.

Thank you for reporting this too though :)


New Member
Im stuck also at Inner Turrelion!! my laptop dose not crash :) but my avatar Ori! doesnt last long against so many trigger happy dudes with big guns!!! tried absolutely everything to get away! but to no avail ori always get taken down :( have to laugh at the situation really! just lucky for me i decided to use the TT cyrene armor! if ori had been wearing a set of her higher level armor the decay cost would be distressing!!! and i dont have alot of time to really play EU so i really like to use the time i have wisely! so i hope the problem gets fixed soon! as i would hate this to tarnish my very awesome cyrene experience! (up unit the teleport to inner turrelion) ........:(:dunno:


New Member
Hahahaha. I joined the club!

Cool! welcome! to the club! crazy more like very annoying! the thing is not everyone looks at the forum or is a member! i knew nothing about this issue!! though joined the forum to complain about it! was in cyrene bliss! started tping around to find where all the auction terminals are and ended up at Inner Turrelion :( DANM!!!


New Member
WOOT!!! JUST! GOT! OUT!!! :) took some doing and a lot of patience! just spawned Oris Vtol next to the revival terminal! then crawled in half dead!! didnt make it the first few gos but got it eventually............

Ed Robles 3

Active Member
Hello Kane, I tried to get you out of there and was asking to get you a port you out of there. To be honest I was very surprised at how long you lived when you tried to gather them all and move out to clear the area. I saw you hunting and thought you knew about the area. I tried sending you messages but could not get through. Appologies:Cry3:
All good Ed , was more peved i was stuck then at u : ) Yep i hadn't heard the news or seen post so not to worry just hope i can get out soon :)

See u in game some time :)


Ps From what ive seen so far Tell the DEV TEAM u have out done yourselves with the detail & Awesome looking Planet