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Bug Report Launch issues bugs thread


New Member
Hi there thought i would start a thread for the devs to have known bugs etc in one place. Sorry if there is already one, but looked quickly and couldn't see one there.

Bugs put forward in bold and bulleted with other reports of same listed under each issue.

Missions with testing that ok have replaced as brown/green with answer . also issues with workaround/fix listed in same format at end of post.

Batched together syntax/labelling issues.

  • Miner 49'r and ingot missions that ask you to 'give' the broker zorn ingot and yellow crystal etc don't remove anything from your inventory.
  • No refiner in trade terminal
  • No Synthetic Mind Essence in trade terminal
  • Young Sky Wraiths are level 11 while Old Sky Wraiths are level 8.
  • On the map, there is a "Forgotten Hill" teleport marked at the very center of the map, but no teleport is there.
  • Odd Spawn Pattern, instaspawns new mob on death of old oneat same position of death. Looks like all spawns as far as tested.
  • Seems only Lysterium and Oil in mining Finds, small amount of cyrene resources being found.
  • Mission dont update when killing the scout bot at the drill instructor.
  • Near the helping harwell mission there is a 'broadcaster' owned by David Wolf Weber no idea what it does.
  • the miner 49er bot at the brim teleporter has a too big text box when you talk to it.
*miner 49er bot stands on top of teleporter on top of the teleporter​

  • Many having disconnect problems/CTD issues.
*Game crashes whenever there's a descent spawn of mobs near me. Other's in the area are able to hunt without problem. I'm running an ATI Raedon mobility gfx card. i7 CPU with Win7 and 6 gig RAM. Possible Connection latency player side , might contribute to issue.​
*Game crashes/ctd's in Hub area.​

  • L14 Zil'zik Hunters near 132400,83100 became invisible after I started shooting them.
* L14 Zil'Zik Hunters in swamp area mentioned above are are only visible from a far distance - seems like a LOD model/tex problem.​
* Close-by to the Zil/Zik, the Waterfall at 132000, 83650 has distorted flat plane geometry with particle effects.​

  • Cyrene blueprint book in technician mis-labelled.
* 'Center of Janus Teleporter' Mis-labelled 'Center of Jauns Teleporter'.
* There are mobs without names at (129268, 83581) it just says l7. It's at a very nice factory where they are manufacturing mechs/robots.​
* Info Bot at (129452, 82570, 170) has a crafting description that is incomplete.​
*Helping Harwell mission says in the discription of the mission "kill 15" but not "kill 15 tree dragons.The 15 tree dragons are actually called ridged tree dragons when you encounter them​
*On text on Merfolken beach head mission there is an extra space after the name before the exclamation mark.​
*when you killed lord PYscidon you get a large text in screen saying A.R.C. terminal which makes no sense it should say return to A.R.C. terminal or something like that​
*Sometimes you see A.R.C. and sometimes you see ARC, not sure which one it should be?​

  • Tp:d to "inner turrelion". Crowded with mobs and revive without turret.No chance to get away and RAM-crash on login.
*Huge bug at the Teleporter on the far left lower hand of the map has over 100 mobs stranding around and I keep getting killed. Game crashes immediately upon reentry of the spawning spot. I heard alot of people are having the same issue. Windows 64-bit ATI Radeon 8570.​
  • L7 Poison SwampLurker and L2 SwampLurker Prime cannot be scanned - may be intentional
* Not sure if is bug but Swamp lurkerprime doing low damage then hitting for 40-50 damage (special attack?)​
  • Drill Bot 1001 enter an 'Unreachable state' for no reason
* drillbots are registered as level 7, seems very low for the amount of health they have and the damage they can do​
* drillbots spawn is funny (kill one, and within a second a new appears at the same place)​
* drillbot mission doesn't complete (killed 5/5 in destroy the robot menace, but nothing happens) (on second try, you can hand it in, even if it's not completed)​
  • Drill Instructor mission "Trial by fire" has some issue. The bot spawned and I killed but mission does not complete.
  • Lord Psycidon mission. Two of us were there, and one Psycidon spawned which (I think) we both got a message for. The other guy killed Psycidon. My mission remained active but I could not respawn Psycidon.
  • The only story driven mission available we cannot do it because it asks you to buy a weapon from TT. And TT doesn't sell it..
  • Night cycle WAY too dark to hunt and way too long, also comments about lighting to dark in general over forum posts.
  • The Hub pvp area allows people to attach armour plates to the hub specific armour, hence making it unequal.
*If you log out in the Hub or crash it will remove your implant and you then need to reinsert it yourself.​
  • The creatures around Inner Turreloin Outpost Tp, Can attack your helicopter if you fly to low to the ground. (feature/bug?)
Issues with workaround/fix

* Mindforce implants removed on entering the Hub
* Relogging when done in Hub returns implant and is re-equipped.
*If you exit the Hub without logging out or crashing you just need to relog and it will be inserted for you.

Mission Problems with answer

* Quest "Guy's Mission" - Kills not registering on counter for mission - not possible to complete.
*Guy's mission works if you kill the weeds near his camp. At least I was able to complete it. Weeds farther away don't count.
* Second stage on Captain Hollingsworth mission chain has no track marker - can't find location to continue.
* The gardens can be found to west of SG Hollingsworth (around 128/838)​
*Quest "Zorn Star Prospects" - Mined ore mission does not complete/move forward. Also other mining 49'r missions.
* Have required item for mission in inventory and abandon, retake mission and re-chat and finishes mission.
*Lord Psycidon mission. Two of us were there, and one Psycidon spawned which (I think) we both got a message for. The other guy killed Psycidon. My mission remained active but I could not respawn Psycidon.
* Had to abandon the mission, then it worked ok (requires 20 kills to spawn Lord Psycidon).

If people bullet and list things they find in posts in thread, i will update OP and add them to list. Also picking things up from other threads and adding, non-bolded and grouped additional related issues.

All the best Dibs :)


Active Member
Game crashes whenever there's a descent spawn of mobs near me. Other's in the area are able to hunt without problem. I'm running an ATI Raedon mobility gfx card. i7 CPU with Win7 and 6 gig RAM. That being said my internet connection has fairly high latency.... so that could be the issue.

Beyond that.... Cyrene is STUNNING!


Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Thank you for reporting the issues.

And sorry, but had to move the thread into the right forum - and also added the correct prefix to it :)


New Member
Thank you for reporting the issues.

And sorry, but had to move the thread into the right forum - and also added the correct prefix to it :)

Sorry for wrong label, am kinda half working in rl ;), and ty for moving .


* L14 Zil'Zik Hunters in swamp area mentioned above are are only visible from a far distance - seems like a LOD model/tex problem.
* Close-by to the Zil/Zik, the Waterfall at 132000, 83650 has distorted flat plane geometry with particle effects.
* L7 Poison SwampLurker and L2 SwampLurker Prime cannot be scanned - may be intentional
* Drill Bot 1001 enter an 'Unreachable state' for no reason

The forest near Shadowed Glade Teleporter looks amazing - favourite location.


Well-Known Member
  • drillbots are registered as level 7, seems very low for the amount of health they have and the damage they can do
  • drillbots spawn is funny (kill one, and within a second a new appears at the same place)
  • drillbot mission doesn't complete (killed 5/5 in destroy the robot menace, but nothing happens) (on second try, you can hand it in, even if it's not completed)


New Member
Drill Instructor mission "Trial by fire" has some issue. The bot spawned and I killed but mission does not complete. Repeated the mission like 10 times and still cannot be completed.


Active Member
Night cycle WAY too dark to hunt and way too long IMO. Played with GFX settings and my PEDs have no choice but to stop cycling at night time as I can't even see the gun in my hands in first person view.



Text information provided by the Info Bots is displayed incorrectly.
Info Bot at (129452, 82570, 170) has a crafting description that is incomplete.
drillbots spawn is funny (kill one, and within a second a new appears at the same place)

I saw this with several different mobs, including the tide claw and the crystal pede thingy. I don't know if it's just that the spawns are new and they're balancing out or...?

Oh, and incidentally, the tide claw crab thing drowns in water. Probably not a bug, and I don't know if the game allows a mob that can go on land and water, but would be more realistic if it didn't drown when up to its ankles in water. :)

The Edge

New Member
Huge bug at the Teleporter on the far left lower hand of the map has over 100 mobs stranding around and I keep getting killed. Game crashes immediately upon reentry of the spawning spot. I heard alot of people are having the same issue. Windows 64-bit ATI Radeon 8570.


New Member
Guy's mission works if you kill the weeds near his camp. At least I was able to complete it. Weeds farther away don't count.

The swamp lurker mission seemed to have trouble counting all kills. Dunno if this is a bug or intentional counting criterium; I saw no pattern.
'Center of Janus Teleporter' is going with the name 'Center of Jauns Teleporter'.

The bug in question: I cannot find Jauns.

Another bug: Approximately around the 124/86 area a single mob re-spawns every time it dies just a few seconds after. It was some flying thingy and a big crab further away in the 126/86 area (cords may not be exact).


Well-Known Member

Another bug: Approximately around the 124/86 area a single mob re-spawns every time it dies just a few seconds after. It was some flying thingy and a big crab further away in the 126/86 area (cords may not be exact).

Thats an important part in the evolution of Cyrene, mobs evolve constantly in areas, the constant respawns are all part of the Evolution process in camping. Same with the Lyst Oil is not a bug but most likely the new cyrene ores will start to get more and more as people mine more and more.
Thats an important part in the evolution of Cyrene, mobs evolve constantly in areas, the constant respawns are all part of the Evolution process in camping. Same with the Lyst Oil is not a bug but most likely the new cyrene ores will start to get more and more as people mine more and more.
It's a nice immersive theory, but I'd like a link to where the Cyrene Team has said this was the purpose.

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
The creatures around Inner Turreloin Outpost Tp, Can attack your helicopter if you fly to low to the ground.