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Bug Report Launch issues bugs thread


New Member
Relog and your implant shows up and is still inserted, Tried and Tested :)

Nice one :) i'll add to OP with fixed/relog to fix.

When you actually list issues on softlaunch, there aren't so many as i thought :D, just when getting flustered ingame seems like loads lol.


New Member
Missions involving some or all of the ores and enmatters don't seem to work right. The fix seems to be to do the mission (or maybe not even do the mission, dunno), then abandon it. Then, with the correct item in your inventory, re-accept the mission. Then immediately finish the mission.

It's worked for me on both zorn missions and the yellow crystal mission.

The key is to have the right item in inventory before accepting the mission, which might mean you don't even need to 'mine' anything.

EDIT: This is a fix for the 'Zorn Star Prospects' mission, among others.

EDIT: Confirmed you don't need to do any mining to finish these missions. Just have the item in inventory when accepting it.


Well-Known Member
  • the miner 49er bot at the brim teleporter has a too big text box when you talk to it.
  • also the miner 49er bot is standing on top of the teleporter


New Member
Had a problem with the Lord Psycidon mission. Two of us were there, and one Psycidon spawned which (I think) we both got a message for. The other guy killed Psycidon. My mission remained active but I could not respawn Psycidon. Had to abandon the mission, then it worked ok (requires 20 kills to spawn Lord Psycidon).


New Member
Oh also, the missons that ask you to 'give' the broker zorn ingot and yellow crystal don't remove anything from your inventory.


Well-Known Member
merfolk? lol what am i missing? got any coords?

anyway new report:

  • Zorn Star Prospects doesn't seem to update after extracting the required ores (maybe you need to mine it in a specifc location?)


Well-Known Member
  • there are mobs without names at (129268, 83581) it just says l7. It's at a very nice factory where they are manufacturing mechs/robots.

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
I just want to say thank you to all of you who are reporting bugs and issues from Planet Cyrene.

It's a big help to the team and in the end, to you all!



Well-Known Member
new ones

  • The 'hollingsworth other task!" mission tells you to go to the Direfen Gardens, yet there is no indication on the map where those gardens are.
  • swamp lurker becomes invisable after being killed and there are no loot sparks so i can't loot the corpse
  • i see a lot of rubberbanding, don't have the best pc but have no problems on very high quality on other planets
  • mentioned before but the spawning sucks. i had to defend a mining claim, kill the mob, do two extractions, kill the spawned mob, do two extractions, kill the spawned mob.... and so on
  • attack range of mobs seems a bit on the high side (annoying for mining)


Well-Known Member
  • The rebuilding the base mission doesn't cost you any refined ores when you complete it. It is however a daily mission making you get a free imperium token each day without any effort (nobody kick me for sharing this one :))
  • on further inspection this seems to be the case for all mining missions.
  • Also the area at the rebuilding the base mission seems to be a land area, which seems odd?

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
ARC Armor Mold (Helment) Does not have a picture, Just a big red X.

And i don't know if this is a bug, but the Molds are not tradeable.