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Lime green token, real value


Active Member
Do we really have to bring our bitch fights from in game to the forum here?
I mean seriously, does it have to bleed over here?

That thread is showed it went for 5k, other times it has gone for more. Can anyone confirm it ever selling for under 5k?

Value is tied directly to the coats, or at least should be, while at the moment it appears not to be. Seeing as this is our planets "oil field" users should be able to get full value without having to find all 550000 tokens to sell the jacket.

People are buying tokens simply to resell the coat at the moment and making a fortune off noobs who can't or don't do the math. Noobs like you who feel the market value is the proper value without doing a little research is why I am making this market value thread.

That thread shows the highest actual bid being TT+51 (56 PED), and everything else is just assertions from the thread starter, who is not to be trusted even on weather. Even someone lacking information on his other, er, market activities could at least spot grossly misleading thread title. Note also that the offer is openly mocked, yet PCF moderators who are usually eager to "keep threads clean" and protect every reseller's legend did not bother.

To my knowledge, there's no good evidence of any sale at any price ever happening. ("Good evidence" would mean two parties with positive reputation telling the same story.)

As a piece of clothing, the coat isn't really worth much. Comparing to a plain Cognac coat with one field of light green paint (as per Skywalker's remark on the thread) or Urban Nomad Lime Coat would likely put the price tag somewhere between 150...300 PED, and that's still generous.

Any speculation beyond that would be based on expectation that the coat would open the way some mission with cool reward(s). Now, consider Ozpyn HK S1X1 from the Tanhok chain went for 7k PED a year ago, probably worth a bit less now, and it takes killing about 15 million HP to get to it. For just the opportunity of doing a mission to be worth 5k PED, the reward must be considerably better and the cost of doing the mission lower, and how likely is this to happen these days?

I'm actually surprised anyone would take that 5k figure seriously, and would rather not think about reasons that lead people to believe (or pretend to believe) in such BS.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what the offered price was. I think they are worth less then 10/k and more then 2/k.
At anything at or above 6ped/k i'm willing to sell my stack of 16.000 tokens. Anything below 4/k i won't consider.
So i would say the tokens are worth 3-6 ped per 1000 at this moment. (i know some sold cheaper in auction).

But in the end any markup is good for the seller.


Active Member
The bottom line is, the tokens are worth exactly what someone is willing to pay for it. The market goes all over the place on many items. Items have been worth a lot at one time, now not so much, and other items Ive seen go for a little bit, now go for a lot. It happens.

They are worth what someone is willing to pay for them. How hard is that to comprehend?



Well-Known Member
The bottom line is, the tokens are worth exactly what someone is willing to pay for it. The market goes all over the place on many items. Items have been worth a lot at one time, now not so much, and other items Ive seen go for a little bit, now go for a lot. It happens.

They are worth what someone is willing to pay for them. How hard is that to comprehend?

Exactly! How hard is that to comprehend?


This is starting to remind me of the hundreds of "What should the price of sweat be" threads on PCF.


Active Member
Most of them started by two types of mooches.
1. I don't have any ped, never will because I live in moms basement and never will get a job, so therefore the 16 hours a day I spend sweating, I want 25 ped / K of sweat, it's such hard work you know!!

2. Im a cheap ass, I want to boost my stuff and sell it at 400 percent MU, but only want to pay 25 pec per K for sweat. Afterall THEY didn't spend anything to get it so why should I give them any money for it?



Mayby bumping this is not best idea but starting new PC thread is pointless and i wanted to ask about "average fair" price for the lime tokens.

My own estimation based on few factors. Some facs first:
- The Beast drops ~250-800 tokens (if any - becasue sometims it does not drop any or just drops novas). It spawns ~every 2 hours. So considering "token grinder" will want to get tokens from this mob he can get probably around 3k-4k per day (considering he will kill around 10 beasts and few will not drop tokens or will be killed in team).
- from my estimation about 300-500 tokens spawn per hour in Proving Grounds. I am not exacty sure on this since i have not been there long enough but thats rough estimation. I tried "closing" the PG but then there is always someone who goes in and grabs tokens from time to time (i.e. becasue he cant be killed for 30sec after first death so can make easy grab).
- kills in PG give 4 tokens. Cost to kill player fully healed (110hp): somewhere between 4-6pec (eco inside HUB is ~31dmg/pec). Cost to kill player if he does not wait for full hp around 1pec (2 shots from scorpion). So if two people would decide to grind this instead of sweating: lets say 2 deaths/minute = 480 tokens/hour. Cost to get them: 1.20ped + 600 sweat. So roughly 2.40ped to get 480 tokes and 1 hour wasted for 2 people... Of course having help from more people (i.e. soc organises themselves to make an effort and get the coat) will speed up the process but minimum cost of this method will remain about the same.

Now my observation:
- grinding Beast is best option imo. I colect data on loot it drops and atm i am around 60% TT returns from 14 kills and if i consider price for tokens at 4ped/1k i am breaking even :). And you dont waste time standing in PG.
- standing in PG and colecting tokens comapred to sweating - if you are there alone probably its worth it. But having to fight or share the tokens spawning is probably not worth it even if there is +1 extra person there.
- the method to "speed farm" the tokens seems not so good option imo.

My conclusion:
- minimum price is probably around 4ped/1k (this is how much i am willing to pay right away to get the coat ;)).
- maxium probably around 8ped/1k (at this point i will consider dumping the goal to get the coat and start selling the tokens ;)).

I would like to see some coments if my estimation of 4-8ped/1k is good or totaly off.



Well-Known Member
I think in the end the price is more based on the demand then on the supply side.
There aren't a lot of people who want the coat, if there are 2 new people that want it the price will go up, if noone wants it the price will drop to 2/k or lower.

That said i agree with your valuation at the moment.

George Skywalker

Active Member
I created my coat by buying from NPC. I did however buy a lot of tokens from players as well as collect as many as i could myself.

I only created one coat, unfortunately haven't yet collected enough tokens to buy/create the other type of coat.


Active Member
Falagor, another way to look it is like this.

You pay 10 sweat to get in, you die, killer gets 4 tokens.
That's 400 tokens for 1k sweat.
That's 1000 tokens for 2.5K sweat, if you go solo by PvP for it.
sweat sells for 2 ped / K easily. so that's 5 ped value right there if you only did it by killing folks.
IF you had a dedicated token cow to do this for you.
On the flip side, how much PED in ammo and decay do you pay to kill someone 250 times. if you had it where they ran right back in and died lower health it might help a bit, still lot of payout.

Gathering tokens for free if you can find it when someone is not in there killing you, cool. Otherwise you pay sweat to get back in and back in, sweat can be sold so yes DOES have some intrinsic value.

It can get costly. I have not done the beast thing yet, how do you spawn that? Yes I admit im totally noob to the hub really.


Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
Falagor, another way to look it is like this.

You pay 10 sweat to get in, you die, killer gets 4 tokens.
That's 400 tokens for 1k sweat.
That's 1000 tokens for 2.5K sweat, if you go solo by PvP for it.
sweat sells for 2 ped / K easily. so that's 5 ped value right there if you only did it by killing folks.
IF you had a dedicated token cow to do this for you.
On the flip side, how much PED in ammo and decay do you pay to kill someone 250 times. if you had it where they ran right back in and died lower health it might help a bit, still lot of payout.

Gathering tokens for free if you can find it when someone is not in there killing you, cool. Otherwise you pay sweat to get back in and back in, sweat can be sold so yes DOES have some intrinsic value.

It can get costly. I have not done the beast thing yet, how do you spawn that? Yes I admit im totally noob to the hub really.


Hate to burst bubble grandpa, but it takes 5 sweat to enter not 10 :eek:


Active Member
ok, im senile. That makes it 2.5 ped then, but still the ammo costs and decay are there.
Its hard to put a value on them that is really solid since there are variances in the cost to obtain them.
You can kill people, burn a lot of ammo and decay.
You can collect them, get killed a lot and eat sweat, or get lucky and get a few K before someone comes and offs you.

Its hard to say they are worth 'x' much. But for you, Id say paying 10 ped / k is fair :D
