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little Fun Event

Chris Spencer Schmidt

Active Member
Let's have a little fun.tomorrow 05.07.2013 between 7pm-8pm MA time I will hide.​
Whoever finds me first gets the 25ped and a TT Dragonfly Helicopter ( sponsored by MasterChief ). Should you be in the right area, I will also report in the chat.​
It should not be too difficult. 1h would otherwise have too little.​
Good Luck all!​

Chris Spencer Schmidt

Active Member
I would appreciate if participants meet before the 0x101 supply depot. I want to see how much interest at all is so small events at once.

When the event starts, I'll even post a small tip in the forum. It should not be too difficult.

@ Master Chief

If no one finds me in 1h, I would like to take profits as jackpot. Thus, the next time could be gained more. Since you donate the Dragenfly, I would like your opinion.

@Lykke and Kris

You two also invited since.:wave: