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Map of Planet Cyrene

George Skywalker

Active Member
I was looking for a map of planet Cyrene but couldn't find it. Err so could you point me in the right direction, probably an oversight on my part and not looking in right place :muckjaw:

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Did you try looking in the garage? The map will most likely be huge ... so when it's available, I'm sure that's where you have to look :cool: And otherwise I promise to let you know when it is there ...

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
The map is not the territory!

There's no map available at this time Hon, sorry!

As soon as there is one available, I'm sure it will be announced to the community.

The other questions you asked, Ed will have to respond to. ;)


Maybe someone wants to draw a fictional map concept based on what is known already?

Maybe Team Cyrene wants to run a "Draw a map of Cyrene" competition with huuuuge prizes to win?


New Member
Presuming there's a moon near to Cyrene, then there would be one hell of a tidal rip round that 'volcano'!!

Adew is the First colonist to discover surfinnnnnnnn'!!!!