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Bug Report March 1st, 2022 VU Official Bug Thread

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
There's a bug with New Texture crafting daily, we turned it off to get it fixed for the Mini Patch.

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
The Vigorous and Speedy H.E.A.R.T. Faps have incorrect effects, they should be as follows:

Vigorous Refurbished H.E.A.R.T. Rank VI
Equip: Max Health + 15
Use: 150% heal over 5s

Speedy Refurbished H.E.A.R.T. Rank VI
Use: 10% run speed for 8s
Use: 150% heal over 5s

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Small Update:

There's a bug with New Texture crafting daily, we turned it off to get it fixed for the Mini Patch.

This should be fixed and ready for the Mini Patch.

The Vigorous and Speedy H.E.A.R.T. Faps have incorrect effects, they should be as follows:

Vigorous Refurbished H.E.A.R.T. Rank VI
Equip: Max Health + 15
Use: 150% heal over 5s

Speedy Refurbished H.E.A.R.T. Rank VI
Use: 10% run speed for 8s
Use: 150% heal over 5s

These Faps have the correct stats for the Mini Patch (see the thread about them here: HEART VI)

exit from mer beach service center is blocked.. textures in the way.

This has a temporary fix coming in the Mini Patch.

Further adjustments include:
Decal Adjustments
Buff Stacking for the Rana Haven missions
Hidden Object accessibility
Hackfin Naming for Old and Mature



Active Member
Talked to the NPC to see what the parts were for imperium armor, Now the requester keeps popping up every time I login.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Talked to the NPC to see what the parts were for imperium armor, Now the requester keeps popping up every time I login.
Every time you login, land on the planet, and a few other times when doing things.

There's no reason to keep these missions in your log, they are meant to be taken and completed at the time. We'll try to get a fix for them to stop popping up for the future, for now it's safe to abandon the Armor Upgrade mission and talk to Zed again when you've got all the materials.


New Member
There were three bugs addressed in the above post. Two of them had a reply saying they will be addressed in a mini patch. But for the healing faps, it said something different.

These Faps have the correct stats for the Mini Patch (see the thread about them here: HEART VI)

I am confused by the way this was worded. I assume this means, when the Mini Patch hits, they will have the correct stats, as a 150% heal over 5 seconds, rather than the way they are now as direct heal?
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Active Member
Will you guys try to improve the tail tip drop rate?

You need 525 of those per avatar to get officer plates and the first paneleon armor.
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Well-Known Member
Domesticated paneleon mission is broken, it gets aborted the moment you enter the pen.


Active Member
@Kris | Cyrene

i wonder if would be to much effort and trouble to give us a way to keep the stolen greenish appearance for those who have the Stolen Imperium and we chose to have it this way?

i would love to keep this vintage and unique colors for my armor for old times sake, green till the last perfected upgrade. ( would be a personal choice for those who want it )

maybe others would feel the same.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

We are keeping a close eye on the drop rates so we can review them with MA.

I wanted to just re-iterate on this as that it's something we are actively monitoring as much as we can in communication with MindArk about.

Domesticated paneleon mission is broken, it gets aborted the moment you enter the pen.

I tested out "Test of Strength" today and it was working, so I think you were in Zyn'Tukano (where Kaydee Barns is at) and there is a pen where we implemented a "No Poaching!" mission:


It isn't so much as a mission as way to help stop exploits in this area.

@Kris | Cyrene

i wonder if would be to much effort and trouble to give us a way to keep the stolen greenish appearance for those who have the Stolen Imperium and we chose to have it this way?

i would love to keep this vintage and unique colors for my armor for old times sake, green till the last perfected upgrade. ( would be a personal choice for those who want it )

maybe others would feel the same.

As we work with MA to get the Stolen Imperium Armor implemented this is something that we're considering as well since this color didn't seem right to put into the upgrade path.

It's good to point out these things so thanks for that as always @tBANNA.



Active Member
As we work with MA to get the Stolen Imperium Armor implemented this is something that we're considering as well since this color didn't seem right to put into the upgrade path.

It's good to point out these things so thanks for that as always @tBANNA.


would be amazing,

and now even more excited, considering this was the main reason i started to play Entropia again back in dec 2014 when i first saw the armor promoted on Facebook page. ( i think i mentioned this before, but not hurt to be said once again :p )


Active Member
@Kris | Cyrene , @Shawna | Cyrene

pls remap some mob location like monstrously jellyworm, that kind of dmg is not fit for a regular spawn, beside the fact they are traveling in a 500m diameter is not possible to hunt the other mobs cause in a 10 mins u r killed by them, and is no player in this game to survive that AoE. And beside this, i learned that this is the only spawn for me to fit my dps, if i go hunt L6 Variant jelly i have to take off the amp from my blade, no dmg enh no nothing, not even reload pills because is under my dmg interval. ( sadly i have the feeling that by the time any change is implemented... will be another few months )

idk if the drop rate is ok for u guys, but for me is going to be a nonsense chase, been grinding like mad, jelly/pans/tide claw ( inside instance ) and nothing, ( seems the servers where u guys test things are way different than ours ). Practically i dont see how i will be able to loot the elements to make my armor, i just dont see how.

i m not sure if this is the way, good or bad, to get nothing after hunting for 20h continuous in 3 sessions each around the same 18-20h, same mid+ tide claws not to mention the other sessions for pans. Also as i see the interest for the armors went from really high to extremely low, and i didnt saw anyone hunting willes, byg byrds or golems. Just few (5-6) high skilled players making codex here and there nothing else.

i m going to insist on those 3 mobs pans/tide/jelly for next 2 weeks but if the final result is the loss i already experience, i m done.

i might quit this chase for good, live to fight another day, when that day will be..

bit sad about all this....bit more than i should be.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hello @tBANNA ,

Let me try to address some of these here:

pls remap some mob location like monstrously jellyworm, that kind of dmg is not fit for a regular spawn, beside the fact they are traveling in a 500m diameter is not possible to hunt the other mobs cause in a 10 mins u r killed by them, and is no player in this game to survive that AoE. And beside this, i learned that this is the only spawn for me to fit my dps, if i go hunt L6 Variant jelly i have to take off the amp from my blade, no dmg enh no nothing, not even reload pills because is under my dmg interval. ( sadly i have the feeling that by the time any change is implemented... will be another few months )

We've already been looking and watching some of the "hotspot" spawns for the armor ingredients, and this was something that was brought to our attention. We're already making some changes to the mob spawns, however yes it won't be until the next PP VU.

We're working with MA on a stop gap measure until we can adjust the normal spawn area and we can get these changes live.

idk if the drop rate is ok for u guys,

We're already talking MA about changes/adjustments to the drop rate for Pristine Elements specifically, so no we're not okay with how they are coming out and are working on an increase for them.

but for me is going to be a nonsense chase, been grinding like mad, jelly/pans/tide claw ( inside instance ) and nothing, ( seems the servers where u guys test things are way different than ours ). Practically i dont see how i will be able to loot the elements to make my armor, i just dont see how.

i m not sure if this is the way, good or bad, to get nothing after hunting for 20h continuous in 3 sessions each around the same 18-20h, same mid+ tide claws not to mention the other sessions for pans. Also as i see the interest for the armors went from really high to extremely low, and i didnt saw anyone hunting willes, byg byrds or golems. Just few (5-6) high skilled players making codex here and there nothing else.

i m going to insist on those 3 mobs pans/tide/jelly for next 2 weeks but if the final result is the loss i already experience, i m done.

This is really good insight from an experienced Cyrene player as yourself, and while I do still believe that the BygByrd elements should be rare, but for the "starter" tiers I believe it should be increased.

Thank you so much for the feedback, it really helps!



Active Member
Hello @tBANNA ,
We're working with MA on a stop gap measure until we can adjust the normal spawn area and we can get these changes live.

oh, lol, i didn't saw this, excellent idea Kris

We're already talking MA about changes/adjustments to the drop rate for Pristine Elements specifically, so no we're not okay with how they are coming out and are working on an increase for them.

lets hope they will address the issue, in a proper time frame this time ,cross fingers

I do still believe that the BygByrd elements should be rare, but for the "starter" tiers I believe it should be increased.

100% agree, perfected and augmented need to be rare, the rarity should increase proportional to the advancement in mission and importance of the final product

ty Kris for reply



New Member
L.U.I.G.I.V.S. Information NPC at [Planet Cyrene, 138557, 77210, 109, Waypoint] states requirements to enter are two (2) Imperium Key Cubes.

After entering and clicking the Platform Starter, the requirement is for an Imperium Cube.
The Imperium Key Cubes requested by the NPC do not work.