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Bug Report March 28th 2017 VU Issues | Forum Issues

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

After talking to MA more and exploring with the patch, it seems that we're having some Sync issues again.

MindArk is already investigating to see what happened, and how far it's spread, as soon as I have more information I'll post it up about what any solution will be.


UPDATE: It appears to have been confirmed, no updates for the Mini Patch have gone out for Planet Cyrene. I'll update the Patch Notes thread to reflect that nothing has changed yet. When I hear about the "when" of the patch I'll post it up here and the client loader.
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Jets:At the same time (this vu), another place has introduced several cheap sets of geographical attire. I'm already looking forward to going to have a look, although my butt does happen to be on Cyrene right now.
Kris:I'm very interested to see how those work out, let me know what you guys think about them.

Well, I'm now at the "other place". You get the first 2-piece set at your current rank for free (desert, arctic or jungle), but the cost of the other two is only a few pecs of local noob mob hide anyway. When you are promoted you can exchange your sets for the new rank with the fully repaired old uniform.
So this is 3 different basic sets with rank indication, and very cheap! I have a feeling it will come to signify planet loyalty for some people more than anything else over time, and I don't really know what to advise for Cyrene. I think we really have to go for clothing with buffs and buff combinations now, but the buff decaying (over time) has not been introduced on rings yet, so I don't know how this would fit in with MA's plans and balancing.

Good luck with the resyncing and the dire weeds!


Came back to Cyrene after patch Tuesday got same error screen which makes it unplayable. Hopefully, will get fixed soon :) I'll come back when there is a solution, headed back to Caly for now but would rather stay here. Thanks for the info.


  • cyrene-0-2.jpg
    316 KB · Views: 459
my weed mission disappeared cant drop it cant see it cant retake it from terminal cause it says I need to finish my 20k

Same thing here. I am unable to restart mission because it does no longer show and I cant retake it from terminal cause it says I need to finish my 20k....


Well-Known Member
If that issue was on MA's beloved Calypso should get fixed in hours.
Lets fuck all PP's with more original concept than a stupid jurassic park.


Active Member
+ >If that issue was on MA's beloved Calypso should get fixed in hours.

...which is why I do not reward them by going back to Caly. They go into the sin bin whenever they screw up another PP or do something else stupid in my opinion. Yes, I have CLDs and a land plot with a snug and finished set of plant pots, but half out of principle I am on Ark right now instead... once again I wish you good luck Kris on various layers of 'the future'!


Well-Known Member
Cyrene's cut on crafting will be lower this month.
Someone, somehow suspended nano cubes from terminals.
But that's just accidental, and no way to be on purpose.


Active Member
Kris: once something like this does not get fixed within days it means to me that once again MA couldn't care less. The words 'near future' simply become ridiculous. I know you are not in a good place, but maybe you need to start securing information such as a database request on everybody's status on the direweeds and the ability to re-instate those positions later if people cancel the mission because of the unplayability from the error messages!

It is unfortunate that players invested in the game with shops etc (the list is long) should face prolonged periods of 'dissatisfaction', but for a PP to be openly treated with the same disdain is pretty much an ultimate statement, don't you think?


Well-Known Member
Kris: once something like this does not get fixed within days it means to me that once again MA couldn't care less. The words 'near future' simply become ridiculous. I know you are not in a good place, but maybe you need to start securing information such as a database request on everybody's status on the direweeds and the ability to re-instate those positions later if people cancel the mission because of the unplayability from the error messages!

It is unfortunate that players invested in the game with shops etc (the list is long) should face prolonged periods of 'dissatisfaction', but for a PP to be openly treated with the same disdain is pretty much an ultimate statement, don't you think?

I don't think PP has access to any such database.
However, this seems to be the right way to proceed.
Restore mission state before most of us dumped or lost the mission in their logs.

Near Future :HellNo:


Active Member
Here is a log from the communication channel:

2013 somewhere in Gothenburg office, Dev1: F678ck this, I'm going on vacation.

2015 somewhere in Chiang Mai office, Dev2 replies: F678ck this, I'm going on vacation.

2017 somewhere in Chiang Mai office, Admin1 replies: F678ck this, I'm going on vacation.

2019 somewhere jetsina and krasko: F678ck it, I can wait few more years for that mission.


Sandal San Tolk
Prioritize your own goals, not those of others. Constructive feedback is good, but you can't force anything. Not even getting to know what their reasons are. The universe is full of alternatives. I already don't know how to do everything everywhere that would be interesting to do. If all promised developments were on time, it would be outright impossible to keep up for someone without passive income and ability to play 24/7.


Active Member
One of my goals: be successful in a successful virtual world.
Partial success nr1 - being successful in an unsuccessful one - done, but what's the point?
Partial success nr2 - doing reasonably in a so far surviving one.
Which of these is better? Well, I guess it's nr2, so if things are not going well on the development side, then I guess I have to try and influence others. How well I do personally in a universe (or on a planet) which fails is not so relevant. I've been there, done that - and it's not EU, no.

If I make assumptions based on what CLD payments theoretically mean just in terms of Caly turnover, then we are possibly now below what MA needs in revenue from Caly to survive on that alone. Arkadia is doing reasonably well it seems, but my feeling is that revenues from other PPs and the semi-PP Monria are likely to be on the low side. ComPet and BatSim are also unlikely to be even break-even right now I would guess.

My assessment is that MA needs to stop holding everything back (whether through incompetence or by 'design'). A VU or patch (or both) which turn people off will ultimately help nobody's goals. I believe that is a statement consistent with my goals. Also, while as a player I cannot force anything out of my reach, I can exert some kind of pressure.... maybe!

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

It's looking more like the this Mini Patch won't have and additional patch rolled out and we'll have to wait for the next PP VU. If anything changes and this patch will get out sooner than that I'll make sure everyone knows when it's coming.



Hey guys,

It's looking more like the this Mini Patch won't have and additional patch rolled out and we'll have to wait for the next PP VU. If anything changes and this patch will get out sooner than that I'll make sure everyone knows when it's coming.


What do you suggest we do for now Kris? Contact support to get a log/number recorded for the kills on the Dire Weed mission and abandon the mission? So that later after evertything is sorted we can retake mission with same kills on counter?

Your advice/help is highly appreciated. As it stands I cant go back to Cyrene due to the bug making the game unplayable. I dont want to lose my kills but would very much like to go home eventualy.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Skubahta,

What do you suggest we do for now Kris? Contact support to get a log/number recorded for the kills on the Dire Weed mission and abandon the mission? So that later after evertything is sorted we can retake mission with same kills on counter?

This is a good question, and it's something that I think a lot of players need to know.

I'll reach out to my contacts at MindArk support, who are aware of the issue, but I don't think are fully aware of the Mini Patch issue that we had, and work out the best way to handle this.

I do think that contacting support is a viable option, although I do know one player who has already done this and is still waiting for a reply back.

Your advice/help is highly appreciated. As it stands I cant go back to Cyrene due to the bug making the game unplayable. I dont want to lose my kills but would very much like to go home eventualy.

This is exactly what we don't want to happen either.

For now I think that you're making the right decision to stay off the planet until support can be contacted and kills can be recorded.

I know that this is really frustrating, and believe me were right there with you, as soon as I hear anything I'll update this thread.



Hey Skubahta,

This is a good question, and it's something that I think a lot of players need to know.

I'll reach out to my contacts at MindArk support, who are aware of the issue, but I don't think are fully aware of the Mini Patch issue that we had, and work out the best way to handle this.

I do think that contacting support is a viable option, although I do know one player who has already done this and is still waiting for a reply back.

This is exactly what we don't want to happen either.

For now I think that you're making the right decision to stay off the planet until support can be contacted and kills can be recorded.

I know that this is really frustrating, and believe me were right there with you, as soon as I hear anything I'll update this thread.


Hi Kris,

Ok mate please let us know if any further developments come to light. Hopefully you will manage to sort something out with MA soon so we can go back to Cyrene.

Thanks for your help. :)