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Mature Dire Weed Global

Yay this is my second global but my first pic of the actual global. I have had three esi loots off the dire weed also.. next time I will capture a sceenie of it. I just may stay with this mob for a long time. I have been going out with 10 Lacodian swords (40ped charge up) and normally do about 5 rounds. My wife also kills the same mob more and more lately she got a 172 ped global yesterday.
Quick question: What is the deal with the scanning proffession? (noob question alert :kos:)

EyEs Global.jpg


Active Member
Grats! Is the mature at about 250 hp (I'm thinking how much sweat I got out of one)? That would indeed put them in the region of globals if you do them often. I also got an esi unexpectedly recently from something else.... I wonder if they have generally been made more 'available' by MA?

(Edit: Agis says below that it's 400 hp, ty :) )


Yay this is my second global but my first pic of the actual global. I have had three esi loots off the dire weed also.. next time I will capture a sceenie of it. I just may stay with this mob for a long time. I have been going out with 10 Lacodian swords (40ped charge up) and normally do about 5 rounds. My wife also kills the same mob more and more lately she got a 172 ped global yesterday.
Quick question: What is the deal with the scanning proffession? (noob question alert :kos:)

View attachment 1252

wooo gz!! :)

and scanning proff: scanner is used to read players/mobs and tell how strong they are etc.. it also links with a lot of other proffs so its helpful to skill for some ppl.