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Mini Patch / Armor NPCs Megathread


New Member
So u need 14000 peds to get 350 at this rate...
not exactly, your calculations too sharp, but if you are willing to do 350 tail run at once - then yes, but you are converting shrap to ammo, no? other stuff selling out no? so basically it depends on your stuff you are trying to get them and time


New Member
I have confirmation from MA that Tail Tips are now back on (as they are used the Armor Plate Upgrade Mission) same for Flesh as well. Relics are not, as there isn't any mission to use them that is active at this time.

Relics are used in Zekk wings and antenna, and I need them to produce more.

If you mean estates, there's some finalization that is happening between us and MA. I hope to have something to announce it about soon.

At one time I was told Cyrene would have shops with short tem leases, I wonder when this will happen

I did just tell MA again about the HK Molds, if this is something that can't be adjusted through their means, then I think we'll try to put this item into the Cyrene Mission Token Vendor.

EDIT UPDATE: Mindark says these should be dropping now, please let me know if they aren't getting out as they should.

Thank you, I will watch for them


New Member
Today would be a good day to return Relics for Zekk wings and antenna. It would be a good day to loot A.R.C. HK molds for the HK Scout bp. It would be a good day for shops, land areas, and apartments.

But it would be the best day of all if we got the Paneleon armor upgrades back.



Active Member
i will be happy to have at least the stolen fixed to have the adjusted stats until the armor issue is fixed, but i cant have high hopes, it is as it is.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey hip,

Today would be a good day to return Relics for Zekk wings and antenna. It would be a good day to loot A.R.C. HK molds for the HK Scout bp. It would be a good day for shops, land areas, and apartments.

But it would be the best day of all if we got the Paneleon armor upgrades back.

I know that the HK Molds are dropping, but IMO need an increase, I'll talk to MA about that again.

I'm not quite sure what is coming in today's big patch, but as far I as I know it's not anything planet partner related.

The majority of these things are on the horizon, more news should be coming soon, I've already been a fair amount of time with @Alexandar | Cyrene to answer as many of the questions that we could in the AMAA.

Should be more news coming from him in the next few weeks I think, but I'll do my best to keep the information flowing as I can.



Active Member
Please remove the imperium upgrade post from being shown each time I log in.

It hurts and its no longer available, so should not be there.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Please remove the imperium upgrade post from being shown each time I log in.

It hurts and its no longer available, so should not be there.

It was removed from the client loader some time ago, should have been removed from here too but wasn't for whatever reason, it has been removed now.


New Member
Checking in semi periodically. Im sure Im not the only one who wants to know when I can use all the materials I purchased for the Imperium Spec Paneleon armor upgrade, any new news?

And do we have any new news on the HK mold drops?

Thanks for all your diligent attention,

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Checking in semi periodically. Im sure Im not the only one who wants to know when I can use all the materials I purchased for the Imperium Spec Paneleon armor upgrade, any new news?

And do we have any new news on the HK mold drops?

Thanks for all your diligent attention,

I just recently answered this question on the Cyrene Discord so I will quote myself (should have done it here as well, my apologies) -Nothing was swept under the rug, we are still talking with MA about how the armor sets can be reintroduced. In the interim we've been planning other ways to introduce other uses for these items, so in the next Planet Partner VU we’ve got full clearance to unlock the rest of the Imperium Armor Plate Upgrade missions (from Adjusted to Perfected). Which will also allow previous items that were turned off related to the upgrade missions that have NOT been dropping to START dropping.

As for the HK molds, Kris did confirm that they are dropping, I will quote him here.
Confirmed they are dropping.

Have a good day :bye:


So. The promised application of the old upgrade-items appeared in the new lineup of the Imperium Plates upgrade. But let's face it.
In a new upgrade, the "bottle neck" is not old armor upgrade-items, but new not discovered yet Renegate Components. They must be rare enough (by analogy with a Mutated Aurli Bone Piece and Daudaormur Scales for Calypso and Next Island ). Otherwise, it would be unfair to similar Calypso and Next Island upgarde plates. This will lead to the old Armor upgrade-Items now will not have any markup. And if they also returned to loot...
Maybe I'm in something loss, but I dont see the reasons why old armor upgrade-items will be valuable again. We are deceived again.
Last edited:


Renewal drop [Zekkonian Relic] confirmed. And this is a meaning that the end of all hopes that we get some kind of compensation.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Aeolas,

In a new upgrade, the "bottle neck" is not old armor upgrade-items, but new not discovered yet Renegate Components. They must be rare enough (by analogy with a Mutated Aurli Bone Piece and Daudaormur Scales for Calypso and Next Island ). Otherwise, it would be unfair to similar Calypso and Next Island upgarde plates.

As I mentioned over in the June 1st Bug Report thread >>LINK<<, that I got confirmation about this time yesterday that all the items were added in, I'll follow up with them about this. I for sure thought that Renegade Components would be discovered on day 1.

With the amount of A.R.C. Badges required and materials needed for the armor plates, they would be dropping more frequently than Aurli Bone or Daudaormur Scales, especially since solo hunters can loot them. The loot lists are being triple checked to make sure there's no issue in that regard as well.

Maybe I'm in something loss, but I dont see the reasons why old armor upgrade-items will be valuable again. We are deceived again.

The intention isn't to deceive anyone, or make them feel deceived. Like I mentioned, the armor plate missions are here to allow players with these materials an opportunity to use them. Also, these items should be used more for other upgrades and turn-ins for future content as well.

We're doing and working with MA to see about how, and in what capacity, the armor sets can be brought back as well as additional uses for the items involved, but it's taking time.



New Member
This was my second visit to Cyrene.... Looted 20 pec armor ingredients HoFs and saw the armor and thought GREAT armor.... Then wasted 1 hour looking for the armor NPC that didn't exist anymore.... Looted first 2 renegades parts for plates and thought GREAT, then realized that clearly they will fit the armor and be customized dmg type to Cyrene and there was no realistic chance to make the plates without the BPs meaning only a few players hold the keys to the castle and if they dont stump up the Ped and stay active the economy will stall like PA stable not working on Caly....

Not all bad, loving the Codex intro and burning through this but long term I have no goals here.... There is a time window here at least for players coming here for Codex to keep them hooked.

I decided on a few day stopover on the way to Ark to grind remaining attribs Irons, Codex has hooked me in the short term but my clear concern as a relatively new Cyrene player is that without Cyrene tailored Armor and Plates there is no ability to compete long term.... The solution for existing players is great but what is the value add for new arrivals with the introduction of Codex?

Looting the first few Renegade my thinking after 24 hours is how nerfed is the drop rate on these parts and what competition for those few with BPs to keep the prices high to continue enticing fresh hunters with wrong armor....

Looking forward to your solutions

Absolutely no complaints about Codex though.... Thoroughly enjoying burning through this and enjoying all the mobs Cyrene has to offer, 35/43 found so far. Clearly this is something that cannot be missed by anyone.

Still only a few days in, I am sure I still have a lot to learn about Cyrene. I sold the Adj piece to the first request this morning on impulse realizing the above.... Clearly with the Augmented piece on auction and the rest of Codex ahead of me I have plenty to loose raising these points too but I think all perspectives can help.

I have just Ranked 280 Attrib, I have seen a few mobs in my time :).... Ultimately though as I work my way through all planets I am looking for the best hunting grounds and opportunities to invest.


New Member
I look forward to returning to Cyrene once they restore the Armor NPC. Love to see the codex, but working on the Ark one, so I can wait. A VERY long time. Or forever.
and the eternal question... the iron missions are gone... and the rewards like BPs in some missions? where are in the future? BP Hely, BP plasma weapon... and the missions for clothes with a xxx thousands kills? gone with the wind?