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Missing Cyrene ......


Things that make you go Hmm!
Just sending out a hello... Missing Cyrene and EU big time.... still homeless and carless due to Hurricane Sandy... no tv or internet is driving me :banghead: My avatar is currently sleeping on Cyrene waiting for that internet connection once again lol..... I use my mobile hotspot to browse the forum here and there .... Looking forward to maybe a MSR party when I get back lol (hint hint)

Happy Holidays to all and hopefully I'll get a Christmas present, get to go back home before Christmas :rolleyes:

Cheers from Calli

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Hello special lady ... you are SO missed for sure, and I was hoping to catch you one of the times that you sign into Skype, but I keep missing you.

I SO hope that things get sorted soon for you my dear, because I'm sure it can't be easy going through what you are, and the fact that you keep checking in with us now and then means a lot, just so we know you're ok ... well, you know what I mean. :hug:

As far as a "Welcome Home" party is concerned ... HELL ya, it'll be a HUGE party on Cyrene for sure, and we'll make sure that everyone gets to the planet as well ... that will NOT be a problem ... the Yamato and I have become intimately acquainted :D ... and Anhithe makes sure that the ship is wherever my purple ass is at the moment in case I have to planet hop for media work ... he ROCKS!!!

Keep us updated Hon, and I wish you the very best with getting things settled ... I hope it happens soon ... I'm always thinking about you and Phillip, and I hope he's doing ok as well.

BIG Hugs and Love Ya Much ... it just isn't the same without out. :(


Things that make you go Hmm!
Hello special lady ... you are SO missed for sure, and I was hoping to catch you one of the times that you sign into Skype, but I keep missing you.

I SO hope that things get sorted soon for you my dear, because I'm sure it can't be easy going through what you are, and the fact that you keep checking in with us now and then means a lot, just so we know you're ok ... well, you know what I mean. :hug:

As far as a "Welcome Home" party is concerned ... HELL ya, it'll be a HUGE party on Cyrene for sure, and we'll make sure that everyone gets to the planet as well ... that will NOT be a problem ... the Yamato and I have become intimately acquainted :D ... and Anhithe makes sure that the ship is wherever my purple ass is at the moment in case I have to planet hop for media work ... he ROCKS!!!

Keep us updated Hon, and I wish you the very best with getting things settled ... I hope it happens soon ... I'm always thinking about you and Phillip, and I hope he's doing ok as well.

BIG Hugs and Love Ya Much ... it just isn't the same without out. :(

Thanks!!! yea stress level is a lil high as my Mom, son, dog and I are staying with my ex in a 1 bedroom lol ... :banghead:
I so need to go to EU and :shoot:some mobs lol ....
Yay a party something to look forward to :)


Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
I wish you the best with everything Calli. One is lucky to live in a country where disasters like that doesn't happen (or are rare). It's easy to forget that we should appreciate what we have - but hard times make one stronger, even though it's difficult. As long as you have your love ones and you're at good health, you are lucky :)

How's the future looking like regarding your 'old' home? Is it being rebuild?

I understand why not having TV and Internet sucks though, but perhaps you can spend time on reading some awesome books or something ? Not the same, of course, but can be quite giving in other ways ^^



Things that make you go Hmm!
I wish you the best with everything Calli. One is lucky to live in a country where disasters like that doesn't happen (or are rare). It's easy to forget that we should appreciate what we have - but hard times make one stronger, even though it's difficult. As long as you have your love ones and you're at good health, you are lucky :)

How's the future looking like regarding your 'old' home? Is it being rebuild?

I understand why not having TV and Internet sucks though, but perhaps you can spend time on reading some awesome books or something ? Not the same, of course, but can be quite giving in other ways ^^

Thanks Lykke! Hoping to be home before Xmas. There was 4 1/2 - 5 ft of water in the basement so all services (gas,electric, boiler, hot water heater) were damaged... waiting on landlord to complete repairs, so out of my control.. We lost all the vehicles as well. My Mom's car was completely submerged (quite a freaky sight with the lights going on under water) Most of the stores in this area just starting to reopen... I am grateful we are safe & healthy, my son didn't mind the 30 days he was out of school :banghead: ... my neighbor had basement wall almost cave in on her, she just made it to the stairs in time.. so quickly in few seconds things can change.. It did teach the kids in this area something that seems to be lacking in this world with the younger population. Appreciation for the lil things we take for granted each day. My son said "Don't worry Mom, its ok we are homeless, Christmas is about the family and friends being together. :)


Fate Thanatos Themis
its weird feeling... when i was watching tv news about Sandy, then it seemed to be so far away, but its not anymore, since i did read ur posts Calli.

I wish U and ur family best!

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Your son Phillip is such a gifted and special child, and I enjoyed hearing about him over the years, so it doesn't surprise me really that he said what he did, but then I attribute that also to your parenting.

You're quite the special gal yourself my friend ... missing you lots. :hug:


Things that make you go Hmm!
Your son Phillip is such a gifted and special child, and I enjoyed hearing about him over the years, so it doesn't surprise me really that he said what he did, but then I attribute that also to your parenting.

You're quite the special gal yourself my friend ... missing you lots. :hug:
Miss you too!:hug:
Yea he's my lil star, keeps a smile on my face when he sings :)