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Mission Galactica

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Just wanted to remind everyone here on Cyreneforum about Mission Galactica!


What is Mission Galactica?

Mission Galactica is the first truly epic platform wide mission chain in Entropia Universe.

Mission Galactica provides you and players of all levels with long term goals to work toward, and rewards you for putting effort into improving your avatar, without forcing you away from your preferred activities in Entropia Universe.

What makes Mission Galactica so special?

Mission Galactiva Avatar using a Restoration Chip
Mission Galactica is the greatest mission chain yet in Entropia Universe.

Mission Galactica is not something you complete in a day; you will go at your own pace, progressing through Mission Galactica as your avatar grows stronger and your equipment improves. All this effort is not for nothing. At certain stages you are guaranteed the option to claim some of the best mission rewards yet seen in Entropia Universe!

Beginners will, through ordinary activities, gather and save up resources that are needed to advance to higher stages of Mission Galactica. When beginners have gained enough health and acquired appropriate gear they move on to hunting tougher and more challenging creatures - creatures that drop resources required in the next stage of Mission Galactica.

If beginners feel that they are not ready to advance to the next stage, they may trade their Mission Galactica progress to more experienced players. This allows experienced players to skip stages that are below their level, and it allows beginners to further invest in their avatars.

Even the most experienced players will face challenges in Mission Galactica that will give them reason to go above and beyond what their avatar is currently capable of.

Mission Galactica does not disturb the activities you currently devote your play time to, rather it enhances your gameplay, providing you with a higher purpose and an incentive to make your avatar grow stronger. You may hunt a wide variety of creatures at your level, on any planet of Entropia Universe, and still make progress in Mission Galactica.

Some may choose not partake in Mission Galactica at all, but will still benefit as demand for commonly found goods increases!




Well-Known Member
LOL at the:

"Mission Galactica is the greatest mission chain yet in Entropia Universe." -part.

small snort and then ignore once i saw that it was going to make me pay them 5k muscle and then more in other mats :)


Well-Known Member
Think before sneering. I'm also not too fond of cheap superlatives in advertising. See this thread and simply make up your own mind whether it is for you or not. Different folks draw different conclusions.

its well worth doing but not at the moment for me hence my reaction ;) going to get the adjusted might be worth it but i have a hardtime justifying the lost mu and tt that i could perhaps cycle.

its a temptation ill give it that but thats about it at the moment for me :)

of course as you say from another perspective could be well worth it only speaking from my view at this point in time.

guess its the "cheap superlatives" along with finding the rng strongboxes upon my return to entropia makes it seem to be a bit of a cash grab to me. well thought out atleast but the same none the less.

*Disclaimer: all stated opinions and thoughts are subject to change based on whims and whimsy, alcohol and loot

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
too expensive mission for 99% players , give us some news about current cyrene work

I don't want to hijack this thread, but here's the short list of current Cyrene work focused on the next PP VU: Bug Fixes, All Vendor Item Stock, Drop Rates for Hunting and Crafting, A.R.C. Faction, New Area / Missions, Dynamic Upgrade Content.

More about these as we get closer to the next PP VU.



Sandal San Tolk
its well worth doing but not at the moment for me hence my reaction ;) going to get the adjusted might be worth it but i have a hardtime justifying the lost mu and tt that i could perhaps cycle.
Yeah understand ;) I also spontaneously thought of a big cash grab when I first saw it. Considered back and forth, but now I'm going for it, at least the first one. Because otherwise I would buy armour even more expensive. Hope it helps me go after mob I normally couldn't with mid-level equipment, like certain stages in the Tanhok chain. See a video on YouTube of someone hunting dragons on Rocktropia with it.


Active Member
..am also in semi-puke mode at the marketing vocab. I think Kris has just copied/pasted, though, but please Kris, do not think this language is at all cool - it isn't!

On the actual chain itself, these items are worth the investment for some people, I'm sure. Check the stats and make up your own minds on the ups and downs. SUPER-important - they are tradeable. Actually, if it's worth getting one for you, then it would probably be worth buying at least the lower mats at their mus, rather than spend longer without the reward.

On the slight hijack by the OP himself - what is "drop rates for ... crafting" going to mean? Hopefully you can explain more when the time comes - ty.


Well-Known Member
I don't want to hijack this thread

Oh please do, that information was way more interesting then the selling mindforce chips that the thread originally was about :)

When you say new area, do you mean another island on the current map, a new pvp area or a new server? :)
Or an update to the necomer area? :)

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey harmony,

When you say new area, do you mean another island on the current map, a new pvp area or a new server? :)
Or an update to the necomer area? :)

Technically it's changes to an island on map and not a brand new island.



Active Member
ello everyone, ello Kris,

regarding this Mission Galactica and taking consideration what the name means, I assume this is a world wide mission for everyone no matter witch planet he is, tho.... why we do not find the Bio ID Verification, Rad Conveyor and the Vacuum Flux Energy Generator here on Cyrene or other planets since this is a general mission? all I can notice by far if may I, is that calypso has always a preferential treatment, better eco guns than other planets, better events...and so on, and they expect to have a wide economy, how come if they isolate all small planets instead to "spread the opportunities"

just a thought

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

While I don't know if I can say from which mobs they drop, I can confirm that all 3 are in the loot lists, I'll talk to MA and see about drop rates for these items here compared to other planets.



Active Member
Hey guys,

While I don't know if I can say from which mobs they drop, I can confirm that all 3 are in the loot lists, I'll talk to MA and see about drop rates for these items here compared to other planets.



oops my bad here, I never thought to ask around about those stuffs if they really are in loot pool here on cyrene or anywhere else, I was so convinced I didn't had this thought. Now I feel more and more Cyrene is a very good choice to stay and enjoy.



Active Member
How do you not know what YOUR planet has in loot or whatever for your mobs?

That notwithstanding.

The mission galactic is very expensive yes, but numerous people I have talked to said that if you are a fairly serious hunter, it's a major boost. The chip is like having a huge buff to your armor, and can allow you to hunt stuff quite higher than you currently could w/o it. When you look at it, even the first chip, the consumption of 'fuel' is pretty much nothing for what it gives you. If you are hunting big stuff yes it can be a huge boon. Seeing the stats I can see where this chip can literally save your ass in many situations. As long as you don't one shot kill that is. It keeps working thru the cool down, in which you hunt, then when the affect is about up, re equip it and fire off again, or better yet have a healer 'buffing' you with it.

DO KNOW though that to get even the first item, your health needs to be up there a bit, so no, noobs are not going to be able to get it at first. You need to be fairly veteraned to have your health points high enough to 'qualify' to do the part of the mission that rewards the chip, and then it will cost you 320 dollars NON mark up price for the materials you need to turn in. Not to mention the 100 dollars or so you spent getting to that point.

The markup on these chips so far is NOT huge, so don't think you can make a quick killing like happened with the wood and harvester tools.

If you are the type who can throw around 500 bucks or so and not be too horrified at the aspect, then this is definitely for you. If you cringe at spending 3 ped for a repair, pass this one up.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey sluggo,

I can't really comment on the Mission Galactica as I don't have a lot of information or data about the in's and out's of it (just what is in the link that I posted) I can touch on another part of it:

How do you not know what YOUR planet has in loot or whatever for your mobs?

The short answer is that we (Planet Cyrene) are the ones who added these items into our creature loot lists, however, we do not control the frequency of their drops.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Rusty,

Then can you tell us what loots them since you added them?

I don't know if I'm allowed to say what loots them, but I'll talk to MA and see what I can share about it. Although that probably won't be for another 48 hours at least.



Active Member
I don't want to hijack this thread, but here's the short list of current Cyrene work focused on the next PP VU: Bug Fixes, All Vendor Item Stock, Drop Rates for Hunting and Crafting, A.R.C. Faction, New Area / Missions, Dynamic Upgrade Content.

More about these as we get closer to the next PP VU.

All vendor item stock, can you be a tiny bit more specific? Does this imply that the UL sib weapons available from the A.R.C faction vendors are finally gonna be stocked? A simple yes/no answer will suffice. Don't need more details than that.