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New Colonist clothing?


New Member
I think we was suppose to have a graphics update for our avatars cryengine 2 avatars was posted on entropia forum the first stage Kim was saying on entropia forum was hair psyhics update more realistic hair that blow's in the wind.

Nor Alien

Whisker Fish
I think we was suppose to have a graphics update for our avatars cryengine 2 avatars was posted on entropia forum the first stage Kim was saying on entropia forum was hair psyhics update more realistic hair that blow's in the wind.
Yeah after seeing the the new avatar models and the creation part of EVE, I am anticipating this update immensely!!:loveshower:


Kick Ass Elf
I really like the recent updates with hair, eyes blinking better idle poses and what not. Really nice update. I get the feeling there is more to it than what we can see though - ie more stuff hidden currently.

Nor Alien

Whisker Fish
I really like the recent updates with hair, eyes blinking better idle poses and what not. Really nice update. I get the feeling there is more to it than what we can see though - ie more stuff hidden currently.
Yeah the additions do add some more depth to the avatars.. I hope they make my hair flow as well.. so far is blue and lifeless!! Maybe the shampoo??!! :shock2:


Active Member
Yeah the additions do add some more depth to the avatars.. I hope they make my hair flow as well.. so far is blue and lifeless!! Maybe the shampoo??!! :shock2:

Yeah, when is the last time you had a bath? Besides the quickie cold showers. LOL you might find out that if you used soap and shampoo all that color on your body might come off and your not a blue hair alien to begin with. :nana:

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Yeah, when is the last time you had a bath? Besides the quickie cold showers. LOL you might find out that if you used soap and shampoo all that color on your body might come off and your not a blue hair alien to begin with. :nana:

Oh, I see you have now resorted to calling aliens out on their hygiene habits :rolleyes: ... what's next? :nana: