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New Vehicles - Truth or Myth

Do you think Mechs will be released in the future?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 95.5%
  • No

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • What is Mechs?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


DigiDime Founder
Greetings fellow Cyrene Forumists.

In my time on EU, I have watched as everything grows for sometime now, not in game all the time but through the grapevine many things are heard from people who are crafters, hunters and miners.

But here is where I wish to question the myth from the truth.

As we have seen on some of the planets including the motherships that there are Mechs that are placed all around the world and one that stands guard in the hanger of known motherships.

Now with time, people say this will be a new addition to the arsenal of oil chopping machines we do so lovingly carry in our small pockets.

Now I am not going to add to the rumors but rather find out what people think about this?

As we know from concept art, we can see some new beauties that are on their way, but what could it be? Do you think that Cyrene will release a new set of toys for us and if so, what gives you the idea that Mechs or Mecha will be released besides the fact that we see their models across the universe.

Happy dreaming ^_^

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
:) Hey Syer - great post.

Let me point you to this thread, if you didn't see it already:


As you can see Cyrene will be offering a lot of unique vehicles and Mechs - and that is definitely something I'm really looking forward to be seeing myself!

Ed's words in the above thread is what gives me an idea, that they might release new 'toys' for us to have some unique fun with :samuari:


Notably the Centrurion Mech images are in-game screenshots of a Mech in action.

(Sidenote: MechWarrior Online will use CryEngine too.)


Kick Ass Elf
There is a mech warrior online??!! :what: :loveshower:

There is already one - I've played it, its awesome! Its even good fun to watch other people Annoyingly I can't play/watch it now as they have upgrades it to need crisis warhead or something (its a mod - a really good one).

Its called Mech Warrior Living Legends.


PS I seem to be the only one who doesn't believe in Cyrene Mechs :D

Nor Alien

Whisker Fish
There is already one - I've played it, its awesome! Its even good fun to watch other people Annoyingly I can't play/watch it now as they have upgrades it to need crisis warhead or something (its a mod - a really good one).

Its called Mech Warrior Living Legends.


PS I seem to be the only one who doesn't believe in Cyrene Mechs :D
Sweeet!!! I will have to look for it.. and I believe in the Mechs!! :thumbup:

Nor Alien

Whisker Fish
Yep this reminds me very much of Mech warrior the game I had along time ago... :) Would like to see this type of battle take place in our little universe!! :beerchug:


I was talking of the upcoming MechWarrior Online, they licensed CE3: http://mwomercs.com/

We need more Cyrene Images & Stories in order to stay on topic more often!

Maybe a Centurion Mech walk cycle & combat animation video?

Tony Pendragon

New Member
Mechs will be awesome.

But......will we be able to use them to kill mobs or just PvP?
Vehicles at the moment cannot be used against mobs, with exception to space vehicles in space.

Either way is just plain awesome.

Lol just had a thought about attacking the Caly oil rig with a team of Centurions :)

Nor Alien

Whisker Fish
Mechs will be awesome.

But......will we be able to use them to kill mobs or just PvP?
Vehicles at the moment cannot be used against mobs, with exception to space vehicles in space.

Either way is just plain awesome.

Lol just had a thought about attacking the Caly oil rig with a team of Centurions :)
That would be awesome!! :D


DigiDime Founder
Concept created by : Ben Mauro​
I have always been one for Mech and this is just one concept that I enjoy. I like mech that are able to use ranged weapons and above all Melee weapons like a sword or some form of energy in close combat. All those rockets and distant weaponry is fantastic but the real warriors are divided in close range battles :)