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Mindforce non achievement ;)


Well-Known Member
PRINT SCREEN 2012-12-06 14-12-5.jpg
PRINT SCREEN 2012-12-06 14-13-17.jpg

lvl 20 sweat gatherer :D

swunting my 654th pede of the 9k challenge ;)

sadly no one around to share this with... if any one else is swunting pedes at the same time as me i will happily give a synch ;)

ps: could we get a achievement subforum to post things like this... or if there is one can you move this?


Well-Known Member
thanks ;) far from uber, but i feel like i am finally starting to understand what i am doing :D


Active Member
hehe, I like to sweat and swunt too, but I am ''only'' level 22 in SG :p but trying to get to 30 soon