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official avatar in-game chat logs

George Skywalker

Active Member
The Problem
Official avatars sometimes talk to players in game. This is good and I wouldn't want that to change.

However, it does cause a little problem because some players get info in game which other players don't. For example in this thread:

One player was told Cyrene launch may be delayed but nothing is certain.

The solution
I would suggest official avatars copy paste their chat log as a matter of routine on this forum in a designated new forum area.

This would make it fairer and is not too difficult to do.


Travelling through time...
I would advise to just not talk to any player about these kind of things and only when something is certain to happen then announce about it in forum. Talking with players is a good thing but no need to overdue it.


A pixel guy
I have no problems with it because it's either to hear "not set in stone" plans, as Ed named it, secondhanded or not to hear them at all until the official announcement. Forcing the officials to repost on forum everything they happen to say in game will only lead them to stop share anything unofficially.

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
As Ed said in the thread you refer to George; The player was not told this was final - but was replied as it was possible at this moment to a question he was asked.

We will definitely return with official info when we know more about it.