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Bug Report Patch issues and bugs


Active Member
Sorry, offline and can't give coords and you probably already know, but we still have the sound issue with the Scout Bots crashing the game. Also we still have that one gun that gives out punches where one can hear it 2 to 20 miles away.

But keep up the great work, all is looking great.


New Member
Update to last post - Guy's Mission. The problem is that the kill area is back to being very very small. I've managed to get 3 Dire Weeds to count but only when I'm standing within a few steps of the location given in the mission list, which seems to only leave one Dire Weed spawn counting.

Same is true of the Swamplurkers for Hollingsworth's Other Task


Well-Known Member
  • wrong text after completing merfolken beach head mission it says:
please take this, an .
I wonder what that means.

  • Also it says i should check back tomarrow, i wonder when that is? :)
I wonder if i'm at 100 bug reports already :coffee:


Well-Known Member
while i'm at it:

  • after finishing the lord psycidon mission there is an extra space before the !
And if you finish both this one and the regent, you get both the rewards at once, and only one finishing message


Active Member
LOL I have this picture of a English teacher is my head :) But good possibility I am wrong, cause I also pictured you as a female.......until I saw differently :confused:


Well-Known Member
Lol actually many years ago when i was still in school, the lowest grades i got were always about spelling :)

but putting on my imaginary teaching glasses:

  • on the merfolken beach head? mission, when you haven't completed it yet, there is an extra space after your name and before the ','.


Well-Known Member
Just remember we are on a different planet here, and the ARC are a rebel group maybe english read and write was not a prority during war times. Also the disconnects are fustrating even though i have streaming sounds disabled on my CL, there is something wrong with the way dusters weapons fire and causes the Client Loader to crash as it doesnt happen with Imperium Weapons. Please i dont want to switch the sound off also just to hunt in 3-4 areas of the entire continent.

Also Extreme Lag Issues around the swamplurker spawn on the Zekionnian Continent (corrected by scrolling to 2D while mining/hunting (aka satellite view = which is a pain sometimes) cheers:)


Active Member
Sound effects on the S.I. Scorpion really needs to be fixed.

So yes, for all, if you hear a punching it's not a bug on your client, but someone somewhere in your area using the gun.


Sound effects on the S.I. Scorpion really needs to be fixed.

So yes, for all, if you hear a punching it's not a bug on your client, but someone somewhere in your area using the gun.

Yea it's a terrible sound bug indeed...very annoying :confused:


Just went to QuarterMaster McDonald (127615,85162,104) at Outpost (127613,85150,104) to get my 2nd;
- 10 Imperium Tokens: ARC Armor Mold (Harness)
got a;
- 10 Imperium Tokens: ARC Armor Mold (Shin Guards)
...instead!? you should be able to convert the molds back to Imperium tokens if indeed a human error was made, you can't even put the Mold on auction?! ...and 0.05 ped....that's basically nothing...hurtful I'd say...hope stuff like this will get resolved coz until hard launch, I'm gonna do 2nd close to nothing on this planet from now on...to much bugs for my stomach! :/


New Member
Craggs Point West - I know this is a basic base waiting to be upgraded - terminals are crates without screens. I can use Repair and Storage fine, but I can only sell to Trade. When I try to buy from the trade interface I get a yellow text error in chat, something like 'Could not complete transaction. Please try again later.' I've had this every time I've tried buying there.

dale johnson

New Member
"- Getting battle ready mission doesn't work (bought a dozen scorpions and did the re- log Kris mentioned in release notes) abandoning the mission results in you not being able to get it from start again"

Still not working

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hello dale,

The mission "Getting Battle Ready" has been adjusted and will be updated on live servers in the Mini Patch on Tuesday.