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Planet Cyrene March 2015 VU Preview


New Member
thx Kris for update with the armor...i hope u find good solution...
just one more question...it will be puny mang chang tamable? or weak rhino ...maybe some part of cYrene communnity will be satisfied drive Rhino Beetle in future:cheer:


New Member
Hey guys,

We are working on a way let players who have already started this Rank 1 Faction be able to still get this armor for a limited amount of time. When we have a concrete update as to how this will happen I will post it up in all the relevant threads.


This is good news, but seeing is believing. Only be back if this will be settled like it should be.

Molly Red

New Member
It would take 17 days with the new VU to get 101 badges doing all dailies (including sweat trade). Add in the 1x to get to 200. Keeping the armor available past that time wouldn't make much sense. Lets not be unrealistic here.

Don't assume that everyone else can also spend all day and vast amounts online to earn this. People have jobs, children, chores, etc that limit what is available to them.

Let's not be unrealistic here.


New Member
Don't assume that everyone else can also spend all day and vast amounts online to earn this. People have jobs, children, chores, etc that limit what is available to them.

Let's not be unrealistic here.

The armor isn't supposed to be for "everyone". It wasn't supposed to be for anyone actually, we're just trying to correct an error here while keepng the peace. Not open the armor to everyone who wants it now or heard about it from this vu preview notice.


New Member
The armor isn't supposed to be for "everyone". It wasn't supposed to be for anyone actually, we're just trying to correct an error here while keepng the peace. Not open the armor to everyone who wants it now or heard about it from this vu preview notice.

... we're? Please, explain?

Are you part of C-Team or something? If you are not, Telepath maybe? How do you know if it's for everyone or not?

Thanks in advance for the answer.


New Member
... we're? Please, explain?

Are you part of C-Team or something? If you are not, Telepath maybe? How do you know if it's for everyone or not?

Thanks in advance for the answer.

I'm just trying to say that there is no reason to break the bank over this one mistake. Correct it rationally, those who put in a real attempt at it deserve it, and not have the armor available for 90 days as someone suggested or for anyone who ever had a glimmer of a thought about obtaining it. This is just my opinion on the matter.


Fate Thanatos Themis
this thing gets ridiculous. i want to give me a chance to loot a mod fap, cuz when i grown in level to hunt hard mobs, those are not dropping anymore!! but i started skilling years ago! I should have get the mod fap now! :bduh:


New Member
"those who put in a real attempt at it deserve it"

My 2-3 hours a night isn't "real enough"?

Sorry you don't approve of the fact I have a real life and can't spend 16 hours a day grinding, or depo a couple thousand dollars to buy uber equipment and skip the development of my avatar.

The point isn't really the armor - it's that we were told something, made a deal, invested time (and money) and then MA, the PP, or both, went back and welched on that deal. Then they tried to claim that it was an error, that apparently went undetected for 3 months or so. Cheap tactics. Re-read the VU release - They knew this would upset the players. No attempt at preventing or resolving the dissatisfaction they knew would come out. Even then, the VU release notes try to make it sound like a good thing that instead of what you made a deal for, you're going to get a limited (i.e. disposable) armor, nerfed to about half the original protection value. No mention of whether or not it was still going to cost the same 200 PED in shrapnel, either. So if I keep going all the way to rank 3 (note that the VU only releases Rank2!) then I can apparently get something close to what I made the deal for. If this isn't repeated. Not until after the very significant outcry on the chat and forums was there mention of some mitigating idea - still to be published.


Well-Known Member
Not that it really matters in the real discussion, but 2-3 days for the non daily, and 30-60 minutes for the daily is all the time required. So there is no need to play 16hours a day or spend thousands of dollars. Especially not with the changes the coming VU.


Well-Known Member
Multiple questions regarding the UL rifles remained unanswered.
Was it a mistake too, or it just has to feel special (Rank 30 - 100k badges)?

John Jacob Cofey

New Member
IMO Anyone who has started collecting badges wheather it is 1 or 199 should be able to finish it after VU. If you don't have Badge then your out of luck. Beacause people do have lives besides this game and can't spend every waking moment grinding out a DAILY missions


Fate Thanatos Themis
well, my post was clearly dramatic, or should be at least, to be a bit comic this way. i guess its a bad sence of humor here, but i wanted to refer to guys who just started the ARC Faction missions after the news came down, and now are very loud, so its not about u or any1 that have spent here like a month.

playing this game past years i got used to that if there is something going on, better be there, or the window will close, and ull end with nothing. it was like this many times, when MA changed the rules along the way, and ofc i didnt like it. for example i got caught in the middle of few 10k hunitng missions when the rewards got nerfed. Its the nature of the beast, the MA.

to make things clear - i dont like that this time window closes (or seems to close) so rapidly, leaving many guys just behind the door. but same time i cant stand this abuse that few guys that barly started, try to push through. I hope that Kris will figure out a good way to slove this problem, along with MA, cuz im quite sure if it all was up to him, this situation with removing already in game thing, would not happen.

I run my www to help u guys a bit on this planet, posted the chain data and the rewards as soon as i made those steps. i hope this with map, mob stats and other things, helped. but ofc i heard that my www is a joke and i got all form entropedia, but this braindead mofo does not have a clue about this. maybe he should use entropedia, its a rly nice site.
i dont give a damn about that, same as ppl dont care that i have a full time job, many side contracts to fullfil, and also take time to share with others the part of knowledge about this game i got, for free. oh, some1 told me that i demand money for the premium map! heh, this moron does not understand that this map is made for those who support my work (so for sure not for him) and that i dont sell it. maybe ppl dont know but running such www takes time, skills, knowledge and cash - donators do, and i rly appreciate that.

ad ps - after i invested into the stable, i dont use uber items (actually never had any of mod fap, mod merc or things like that) - before ARC set i was using Mahketta or L sets. the gun now is something that i lend or L item, cuz i dont hunt huge mobs much, so dont need to buy it.
with L items, i do those 3 dailies in 15 min - its just 25 mobs to kill.
ofc i keep doing those dailies, cuz later there could be some better rewards. even now, if its just L set in the vendor, for me its still better to do those short missions and some dailies than hunting for example atrox or huon.

Deo Ingie

Then I apologize, and will wipe my post accordingly. I understand what you are saying now, thank you. And whoever doesn't understand the usefulness of your website is silly. I tried to buy the premium map, but your shop is on caly and I don't travel much.


New Member
Hey guys,

We are working on a way let players who have already started this Rank 1 Faction be able to still get this armor for a limited amount of time. When we have a concrete update as to how this will happen I will post it up in all the relevant threads.


Damn! Does that mean I have to log in again now? Thank you :dance:


Active Member
Hey guys,

We are working on a way let players who have already started this Rank 1 Faction be able to still get this armor for a limited amount of time. When we have a concrete update as to how this will happen I will post it up in all the relevant threads.


So I hope from this post that you are saying that you have contacted MA about this issues and that the armor will not be replaced until you have found a way to fix this issue?

Because if you don't this post is just like all the other posts you have posted in the past where you state that almost every issue is being looked into and should be fixed in the next VU:

- TEN Edition
- Christmas items
- Hard Launch
- Downsized planet for Hard Launch (new planet will take years to complete now before any Hard Launch will take effect)

I hope you have done the right thing here and all will be well.


New Member
I've previously been on Cyrene in 2014 to complete a few missions: like the 10k drill bots etc. I recently returned, primarily attracted by the ARC armor; Thanatos's website was essential for finding mob locations and faction mission info. Hopefully Kris will find a solution to the armor problem. Out of all the new planets, Cyrene is definitely my favourite. I doubt that Mindark would ever give a green light to that unlimited ecotron gun: at 2.983 eco with an a106, and its range, I think it's effect on the weapon market would be too severe.