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Planet Cyrene March 2015 VU Preview


McCormick, a lot of old timers are around true, but check their trackers, most arent doing anything, and wont botter to sell skills because the time taken and effort also for so many skills, is nothing for the payout out of them.

Continuous fuck ups from MA upset a lot of them.

Ya, Im aware of inactivity. I only said we are all still around. ,-)

Selling out usually ends up as another investment, but noone tells you about that in the 1st place.

The "new" temp. depositors feed the MindArk. Brigde Investment LLC is still in the background.
akoz & Co. feed the MindArk.
MA is looking for a slow and steady growth. Thats why they dont do ads or video-commercials.

They dont want 1 million users. They cant handle that, they dont need that.

They rather keep the xmas trees just to not to have them beeing re-introduced in the end of 2015.

Only Mr.Timkrans & Son left. And even those 2 guys are beeing idle.
Wake up people.
What will happen to the rank 1 unlimited weapon in the trader Kris?

I have the armor and I think this sucks big time, extremely unfair for the ones doing the badge missions on a daily basis.

Hope you can do something for them, unlock an intermediate trader at 100 tokens or something.


New Member
I have been on and off Cyrene for some time now doing the various chain missions. I don't have that many badges but I too was slowly working towards the UL armour. I really don't know what to do now as I will not be able to complete the mission in the allotted time. I feel I am stuck now and so I am unable to even log in to the game AGAIN !!

Guess I have other things to do


Active Member
after some second thoughts i decided to not leave cyrene for this whatever the outcome is. I still hope for a good solution.



You had me with bacon
If the unL armor was a "mistake", then I find it odd that it took you 3 months to notice this. I'm pretty sure it wasn't a mistake to begin with, but even if it was, you have been aware of it for some time. Either way, it was YOUR mistake, so deal with it. I'm 31 badges short as of today, which means I've been working on the mission for some time, and hadn't gotten a warning about the armor being removed until yesterday. Funny thing is, if the other two daily missions had worked as intended, I'd be done with the 200 badges. How can it even take 3 months to fix that, I wonder.

I honestly didn't even know about the armor mission until I landed on the planet. I had been on Arkadia since early December and wanted a change. My original plan was to do a little on the epic missions for some days before heading to Caly. So for me, the armor was just a very surprising and welcoming bonus. Hearing about the upcoming rank 2 missions made me very excited and I started imagining staying on Cyrene for a long time. I am 2/3rds into the Zyn'dos on Zora's epic, and have completed different stages on several iron missions, as well as hunted many mobs I wouldn't normally do, if it wasn't for the armor mission.
The way I see it, I've already paid up front for that armor, with all the peds and time spent on getting the badges.

I'll be staying here until the final word has been said in this matter. You know in your heads what's the best solution financially for this planet in both long and short term, and you also know in your hearts what is the right thing to do ethically. Prove your worth.



New Member
In truth, I came to Cyrene for the Armor,. in the meantime I came to like it alot!
While collecting Badges (196 by thuesday) I did the n00b mission (15000 mobs) so every kill afterward would count towards special clothing items, Started the Epic mission, Zora's (90% done on Zyn'Dos) And am at Rank3 of all (5?) ARC Challengers.

However, I will not finish any of these and wave goodbye to Cyrene if this is issue not dealt with in a decent fashion for everyone that has been grinding here for weeks.

I dont have to repeat what everyone else has been saying in this thread, I hope you do what is best for the planet and the future playerbase.



Sandal San Tolk
Ah well, SNAFU. I hate drama and lack the energy to partake in endless speculations. But it takes a bite out of my motivation to be made all hyped up only to receive an ice bucket over my head. There are plenty of missions to do elsewhere. I honestly can't see the point of going through the trouble for L stuff anyway, these bread and butter tools I just buy and go. I'll return to this when I know for sure what I have to do to get the prize that is promised at the end of the line, and then I expect it to be available also. I have not bought the mats for my Viceroy, it was fun grinding for it. But "I show you something but you can't get it" is a game I don't play along with. And now back to nice mode – I know you guys do a great job building Cyrene. One day it will be awesome. I love the mobs and the storylines and actually wish the old map back. Is there a good reason for this reduced landscape for the changes? It's a virtual world after all...
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The point is the planet parteners attitude toward customers (investors ) .......toulan is launching too this year .......i think i will invest there my ped from now on ....this ship it seems it started sinking ......


New Member
The best form of marketing in business is word of mouth. Rather than repeat the sentiments already mentioned it seems to me from a purely business stand point this change of course during an event is unacceptable. Changing the rules after people invested peds and most importantly their time deserves a grandfather clause of some sort to acknowledge those who signed up under the original terms of agreement. Not only can Cyrene lose the trust and respect of the players who have been grinding mission chains, they in turn may remember this for a long time and pass along this negative experience to future disciples. Current plans may seem manageable however the long term effects of not doing damage control in time should be taken into consideration.
wow !!!!!!! i cannot believe 2 days have passed , 9 pages written and no answer from the "close tocomunity " guys , lol you will hide until the vu and then you will say "we are so sorry but we cannot do anything now" don't forget that your salary comes from our money.
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New Member
1. Chris notice alot of increased activity due to arc armor mission all over cyrene, players noticing increades greendots, starting to apreciate the planet more, cyrene chat coming alive feeling like a community.

2. Chris realise this armor is too easy to obtain, it should be harder so we keep ppl on cyrene longer, he ask MA to make the change in 17th march VU, but feels if he announce it ppl will leave and he just cant stand seeing the better revenuflow decrease again so he waits silently, slowly watching cyrene grow, filled with ppl workinc, grinding, socialising, the VU date moves closer and finally he has to break the news, shitstorm arises and he hides with an excuse that its MA fault.

This is how i see it, i hope Chris you can prove me wrong.

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
1. Chris notice alot of increased activity due to arc armor mission all over cyrene, players noticing increades greendots, starting to apreciate the planet more, cyrene chat coming alive feeling like a community.

2. Chris realise this armor is too easy to obtain, it should be harder so we keep ppl on cyrene longer, he ask MA to make the change in 17th march VU, but feels if he announce it ppl will leave and he just cant stand seeing the better revenuflow decrease again so he waits silently, slowly watching cyrene grow, filled with ppl workinc, grinding, socialising, the VU date moves closer and finally he has to break the news, shitstorm arises and he hides with an excuse that its MA fault.

This is how i see it, i hope Chris you can prove me wrong.

That is how I see it too.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

We are working on a way let players who have already started this Rank 1 Faction be able to still get this armor for a limited amount of time. When we have a concrete update as to how this will happen I will post it up in all the relevant threads.


Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Thanks, I think this should help a lot with all the worry and raging occurring near 24/7 in the #Cyrene chat (from myself included).

Should do a lot to calm the community, makes me feel a little more calm at least knowing there is some small hope other than hoping for a delay on the VU.