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Planet Cyrene March 2015 VU Preview

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

So I hope from this post that you are saying that you have contacted MA about this issues and that the armor will not be replaced until you have found a way to fix this issue?

The vendor has already been changed for the VU, so the plan is to have an alternate way to get the armor after the Mini Patch.

Because if you don't this post is just like all the other posts you have posted in the past where you state that almost every issue is being looked into and should be fixed in the next VU:

I can update on these:

- TEN Edition

The TEN Event is not off the table, however, we're still working with MindArk on the best way to have this event.

- Christmas items

The plan for the Christmas items to come out after the Mini Patch (provided there are no more sync issues).

- Hard Launch

The system that we are waiting for is currently not finalized and it's something that need for the Hard Launch, as soon as it's ready we'll be able to do so.

- Downsized planet for Hard Launch (new planet will take years to complete now before any Hard Launch will take effect)

I don't fully understand this one. The planet is changing (>>LINK to the Dynamic Upgrade Map <<) and it's reflected in not only that map but the number of active players on Cyrene. I can't say off hand exactly "when" as there are a lot of factors that involve that happening.

I hope this answers some of your questions.



New Member
The plan for the Christmas items to come out after the Mini Patch (provided there are no more sync issues).
Will we need to return to the planet? The promise of the items was one of the main reasons I went to Cyrene at the time, I have had a support case pending since then, and frankly having to go back again would be a case of fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

I do plan to return to Cyrene eventually if and when it becomes a more developed and pleasant experience again, things were rather nice just before the map overhaul, but now I just cant rationalize being there.

On the subject of suggestions Id like to see a reduced price on the proving grounds coats, 550k is highly unreasonable especially given that the proving grounds is currently dominated by bots and teleporting hackers. Even if you manage to get 1k a day that's 550 days to get ONE of the coats. Even removing just one 0 would be far more fair.


Active Member
I don't fully understand this one. The planet is changing (>>LINK to the Dynamic Upgrade Map <<) and it's reflected in not only that map but the number of active players on Cyrene. I can't say off hand exactly "when" as there are a lot of factors that involve that happening.

The first quotes you know are just BS and not really worth debating. But this here is the biggest BS from you yet. I would believe you fully if you did downsize the planet with new areas that then would open up to the older areas. BUT you downsized all areas into one small area. So this was not DUE to the hard launch but most likely, sorry to say, lack of funding. On top of that you had one of the best looking planets in EU and now you have the cheapest looking planet that more or less looks like it was downsized in a weekends time. Again if you would just be truthful with us we wouldn't be as hard on you and give you even more support.

The best thing going for you now with your planet is that due to the low graphics you will get a lot of players there that simply love it due to the speed. Nothing wrong with this and really is needed...just please open up and stop with this BS.

I hope for you and this update..and will be visiting. I still do have hope for you.

Deo Ingie

I think OZtwo hit it on the head. Kris, please be semi honest with us. I imagine that you used to be a P.E. player. If you don't have the funds to run this planet, then please say so. I preferably like the smaller map. I stay away from caly just because of the size and mob density. Who knows how honest you can be with us. Maybe you should tell us that you can't tell us shit, lol.

Will the folks that started this mission be able to finish it and receive the prize we thought we were getting or not? If so, I will stick around because I actually like Cyrene, If not, Sorry, but you broke it yourself.


Well-Known Member
well besides that one thing the rest of the vu look really good. looking forward to seeing the new weapons that i have been waiting for.

new maturaties look nice.

the changing of the daily badge missions is a good thing should have been that way from the beginning some of them were just to big for a stage 1 daily...

anyways looks fun thanks for once again sharing a vu preview please despite the drama that this one has created dont stop them its a nice thing for us to get a bit of a look ahead :)


Well-Known Member
The first quotes you know are just BS and not really worth debating. But this here is the biggest BS from you yet. I would believe you fully if you did downsize the planet with new areas that then would open up to the older areas. BUT you downsized all areas into one small area. So this was not DUE to the hard launch but most likely, sorry to say, lack of funding. On top of that you had one of the best looking planets in EU and now you have the cheapest looking planet that more or less looks like it was downsized in a weekends time. Again if you would just be truthful with us we wouldn't be as hard on you and give you even more support.

The best thing going for you now with your planet is that due to the low graphics you will get a lot of players there that simply love it due to the speed. Nothing wrong with this and really is needed...just please open up and stop with this BS.

I hope for you and this update..and will be visiting. I still do have hope for you.

Ok that fact is Kris is under instructions from Ed to not reveal much things regarding the hard launch and other things like the rest of the planet opening up. Planet Cyrene is not under any funding issue, i can assure you. Reasons of such is because the hard launch of this planet has to be kept under wraps reason being the developers do not want to give false promises on what is coming and what is not, its hard enough for a development team to have the perfect way of releasing a planet to the world when its runs under a real virtual economy structure and everything has to go through Mindarks timetable which may be lagging A LOT behind what the developers have available to release.

People dont understand that its not the developers fault that their submissions need modification or long term approval process by Mindark, im sure alot of ideas the planet partners have , actually have been rejected implementation its totally different ball game running a 'sandbox' (which are the models developers work with) to actual implementation in a real life virtual universe where balancing effects many many different variables.

The Cyrene development team have put a storyline in place as a reason why the rest of the planet has been closed off, currently there is Imperium oribital bombardment and a great war going on the other continents between rival factions and the A.R.C rebels have relocated all colonists out of the war zone to a remote continent away from the ongoing conflict to prepare us (if we become worthy through dynamic unlocks and loyalty ranks) to join the conflict, however we all have to prepare ourselves for how much Cyrene will change when the hard launch hits, but the wait maybe a while if Mindarks timetable lags further behind the developers roadmap. We have to be prepared that things dont always go to plan in a Real Cash Economy universe compared to other games.




New Member
i would like it if you guys stopped bashing cyrene dev team.

you get an OP armor that you shouldnt have got at all.

so shut up and wait.
that's bullshit! not our fault that they introduce that "OP" armor! many come here for that particular armor! and now they don't deliver? that's false advertising! so you shut up! and as the wait part..they wait when they take our peds? we have the right to know when and how they solve this! when this minipatch come out! at how MA usualy works that patch may come in 6 months..and they then make an event (u suckers spend more peds) and first 2 get the armor! till then you morons stay on cyrene and spend your money!


Active Member
Without knowing all the details, I believe the 'planet has everything crammed into it' now... Because folks had a lot of missions started / in progress and they HAD to bring the stuff over so folks could continue the mission. Where are you going to put the missions? In space, so we battle bibbie the butt pirate to turn in our tokens? The centralized mission 'areas' are an issue of mild debate. Some folks like them as you said, because it makes them a bit easier. Others, liked them spread out a bit so you needed to travel. Even with travel, with teleports, it's only a few extra minutes so real time compression, not a big deal. They also stated that when the planet started opening back up again, they could put / would put mission brokers back 'out there' again. Some even suggested that they might leave them both in one place and spread around to please both worlds.

Still a lot of work to do on this. I do have to concede to you though the 'wonder' about the money situation. Until the new armor came out, Cyrene really was not a known place, one has to wonder where they were getting their income from. Shutting down the servers to save money is a viable thing to do, until one does 'go live' and actually needs them.

just my .02


Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Please, please, please do not have any kind of 'event' for the armor, we need a way for everyone with 150+ badges to get it or there will be a major outcry of anger, heck 150 badges might even be too low, however any amount under 100 badges can be done in a single day which lowers the bar of people who actually spent ped to earn the armor.

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Here is the ACTUAL update log from the client loader:

17 Mar 2015 15:27 UTC
New Additions
- A.R.C. Faction Rank 2 is now available once a player reaches 500 A.R.C. Faction Badges.
- A.R.C. Faction Rank 2 has several new rewards including a free blueprint from Zorra for an A.R.C. Lancer.
- - New Rank 2 Missions - Player Choice Mining Or Crafting
---Player Choice #1
---Player Choice #2
---Player Choice #3
---Player Choice #4
---Player Choice #5
- Approximately 80 new weapons that have been placed on all Cyrene creatures level 1 through 31, BLP Pistol / Rifle, Laser Pistol / Rifle, Short and Long Blades.
- Sweetstuff and Force Nexus are now able to be mined on Planet Cyrene.

- A new dedicated spawn of lower player creatures has been established outside of the Rookie Training Area.
- Several new maturities have been unlocked for the following creatures
-- Mang Chang
-- Rhino Beetle
-- Merfolken
-- Living Vortex
- A.R.C. Faction Rank 1 now also has a sweat turn in mission: 500 Vibrant Sweat for 1x A.R.C. Faction Badge (daily)
- The following A.R.C. daily missions have been changed:
--A.R.C. Faction Mission - Stage 1 - Daily - Hunter Zyn'Dos is now Swamp Lurker Prime
--A.R.C. Faction Mission - Stage 1 - Daily - Merfolken Raiders is now Scout Bot Collector XT
-Changes to the A.R.C. Rank 1 Rewards:
--The A.R.C. Initiate Armor is now called Stolen Imperium Armor, this armor will not be available at the Rank 1 Stage of A.R.C. once the VU goes live, however, after the Mini Patch this armor will be able to be acquired for a limited time at a different NPC.
- The following creatures have had their capsules fixed and shouldn't get too close to the player hit box:
-- Mang Chang
-- Rhino Beetle
-- Paneleon
- The following creatures have had their hit box adjusted:
-- Tide Claw
-- Tree Dragon
- Fixes to many typographical and grammatical errors.
- Improved Water transparency and visibility
- Improved Day / Night cycle (this will continue to be adjusted).

The Hub
- Pets are no longer allowed in the Hub.
- Various collision issues have been adjusted.

Known Issues
- Support weapons are not currently working properly, this is a platform issue.
- The Spear MK. III is difficult to maneuver, this is being looked into.
- The Spear destroyed model becomes invisible, this issue is being looked into.
- All Cyrene vehicles (P.I.G.V., Spear, Lancer, Dragonfly) have default sounds, this will be addressed in a future patch.
- Some Quality Ratings information in blueprint book: A.R.C. is incorrect, and this issue is still being looked into.
- Many of the new weapons released have too much ammo burn and will be corrected in the Mini Patch.

Coming in the Mini Patch
- Topography Changes to many of the high mountains at Mer Beach, Ngu Volcano, and Robot Base Z.R.Q.
- A n00b Mini-Chain to create a Refurbished S.I. Heart (avatar bound).
- Improved summoning for Lazidol and the Empis Wasp Queen.
- Summoning Mob location near Eve's Playground that will allow players to summon and kill special mobs to earn more A.R.C. Faction Badges (provided that you are already at or over 200 A.R.C Faction Badges).

*As always, please allow time for all missions to be activated and items to be added to the loot pool*

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
--The A.R.C. Initiate Armor is now called Stolen Imperium Armor, this armor will not be available at the Rank 1 Stage of A.R.C. once the VU goes live, however, after the Mini Patch this armor will be able to be acquired for a limited time at a different NPC.

Looks like they may have worked in a solution to our rage!


New Member
--The A.R.C. Initiate Armor is now called Stolen Imperium Armor, this armor will not be available at the Rank 1 Stage of A.R.C. once the VU goes live, however, after the Mini Patch this armor will be able to be acquired for a limited time at a different NPC.

Looks like they may have worked in a solution to our rage!

Yes, sounds like a solution.

But i guess some whine-bags will still rage if the extended time isnt at their liking ( 5 years )

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Update is delayed, we are past the hour mark. Re posting the actual VU notes if anyone missed: (I check my emails from this forum and don't miss but who knows what others do)

17 Mar 2015 15:27 UTC
New Additions

- A.R.C. Faction Rank 2 is now available once a player reaches 500 A.R.C. Faction Badges.
- A.R.C. Faction Rank 2 has several new rewards including a free blueprint from Zorra for an A.R.C. Lancer.
- - New Rank 2 Missions - Player Choice Mining Or Crafting
---Player Choice #1
---Player Choice #2
---Player Choice #3
---Player Choice #4
---Player Choice #5
- Approximately 80 new weapons that have been placed on all Cyrene creatures level 1 through 31, BLP Pistol / Rifle, Laser Pistol / Rifle, Short and Long Blades.
- Sweetstuff and Force Nexus are now able to be mined on Planet Cyrene.

- A new dedicated spawn of lower player creatures has been established outside of the Rookie Training Area.
- Several new maturities have been unlocked for the following creatures
-- Mang Chang
-- Rhino Beetle
-- Merfolken
-- Living Vortex
- A.R.C. Faction Rank 1 now also has a sweat turn in mission: 500 Vibrant Sweat for 1x A.R.C. Faction Badge (daily)
- The following A.R.C. daily missions have been changed:
--A.R.C. Faction Mission - Stage 1 - Daily - Hunter Zyn'Dos is now Swamp Lurker Prime
--A.R.C. Faction Mission - Stage 1 - Daily - Merfolken Raiders is now Scout Bot Collector XT
-Changes to the A.R.C. Rank 1 Rewards:
--The A.R.C. Initiate Armor is now called Stolen Imperium Armor, this armor will not be available at the Rank 1 Stage of A.R.C. once the VU goes live, however, after the Mini Patch this armor will be able to be acquired for a limited time at a different NPC.
- The following creatures have had their capsules fixed and shouldn't get too close to the player hit box:
-- Mang Chang
-- Rhino Beetle
-- Paneleon
- The following creatures have had their hit box adjusted:
-- Tide Claw
-- Tree Dragon
- Fixes to many typographical and grammatical errors.
- Improved Water transparency and visibility
- Improved Day / Night cycle (this will continue to be adjusted).

The Hub
- Pets are no longer allowed in the Hub.
- Various collision issues have been adjusted.

Known Issues
- Support weapons are not currently working properly, this is a platform issue.
- The Spear MK. III is difficult to maneuver, this is being looked into.
- The Spear destroyed model becomes invisible, this issue is being looked into.
- All Cyrene vehicles (P.I.G.V., Spear, Lancer, Dragonfly) have default sounds, this will be addressed in a future patch.
- Some Quality Ratings information in blueprint book: A.R.C. is incorrect, and this issue is still being looked into.
- Many of the new weapons released have too much ammo burn and will be corrected in the Mini Patch.

Coming in the Mini Patch
- Topography Changes to many of the high mountains at Mer Beach, Ngu Volcano, and Robot Base Z.R.Q.
- A n00b Mini-Chain to create a Refurbished S.I. Heart (avatar bound).
- Improved summoning for Lazidol and the Empis Wasp Queen.
- Summoning Mob location near Eve's Playground that will allow players to summon and kill special mobs to earn more A.R.C. Faction Badges (provided that you are already at or over 200 A.R.C Faction Badges).

*As always, please allow time for all missions to be activated and items to be added to the loot pool*


Active Member
So the people who worked for the armor are now called thieves?

I do hope they got the ranged weapons right before the vu... 10x the ammo for the same damage as other guns is not really eco.