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Platings in the Hub is an exploit

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
First of all, the Hub is the new PVP Token system introduced on Planet Cyrene. It is a closed 'war' area, where everyone will be set equal - and where you can only use special Hub armour and weapons.

You can read more about the Hub and Token system here:


We found out that you unfortunately can add your normal armour plates to the Hub armour, which will give you an unfair advantage towards the other players in the Hub.

As said in the first post, the ban for exploiting this bug is temporarily.

We posted this info on the forums as soon as we knew about the ban for exploiting this bug, and the info is now also on the Client Loader for those who doesn't read the forums.

Last, but not least, thank you so far for your PMs and Mails.



New Member
No one cares about being banned. People just continued wearing plates after notifying them. An ingame moderator untill it's fixed would be welcome since the Hub seems to be the strongest selling point atm. But doesn't matter anymore anyway, tp's now being camped by socs so as single player the survival odds are pretty low.


New Member
well i used plates because i thought i was ok to do so, i thought the bug was that F ava couldnt use the feature. Now you made it clear i wont use them.


Active Member
No one cares about being banned. People just continued wearing plates after notifying them. An ingame moderator untill it's fixed would be welcome since the Hub seems to be the strongest selling point atm. But doesn't matter anymore anyway, tp's now being camped by socs so as single player the survival odds are pretty low.

Plus a lot are using some of the exploits to skill up as well.