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Player driven storylines


I understand that a large part of the storyline plans center around the actions of players. Doing missions in certain areas make those areas flourish, etc. My question is, how much of this development will be tracked down to individual players? Do you record, for example, how many times an individual has done a daily mission or, in the case of an invasion, who were the most dedicated individual defenders (and societies)? It would be great to see player rewards, even if they were just flair, tied to actions like this. NPC's telling stories about PC actions naming the heroes of the wars, place names, item names, and maybe even a nice little memorial overlooking the ocean.

On the other side, will it be possible for players to play the "villain" in certain development scenarios where a large group of dedicated players could work against the main storyline possibly destroying a developed outpost?

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Very interesting questions Karmic, and I'm going to bring your thread to Ed's attention so that he can address them in a way that might shed a bit of light on the plans. I don't want to post something that may not necessarily be available yet to be revealed, because I know the storyline is progressive and tied into player activities.

The interesting thing is, there's also a discovery process involved, rather than putting everything out there. The players are like pioneers forging their way through a new planet, and what they do has significance.

I'm subscribing as well. ;)

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
*Eagerly awaits a reply from Ed*

I just sent him an email with a heads up about this thread, and I'm hoping I'll be able to meet up with him later this evening or early morning for me ... he's 11 hours ahead of me.

I know that he and the C-Team are quite busy sorting things out after the launch, and that we have a patch coming on Tuesday, but I'm sure he'll start responding to things at the forum as soon as he can.

Ed Robles 3

Active Member
Hello Karmic, great question. We are still not ready to make a statement on this though. For now the system in place is set up to be community based but we do have plans for exceptional people who are pulling more then their fair share. More on this will be released later though.

As for the villians, I would not say it is so much a good versus evil thing, but more like a friendly tug of war, where people will get really upset at each other :hehe:

I will post more info on the system and the progress will be given in role play mode via ARC reports. The community will always be in the loop as to how things are moving and what has been getting done, what is not etc etc.

Stay tuned.


Hello Karmic, great question. We are still not ready to make a statement on this though. For now the system in place is set up to be community based but we do have plans for exceptional people who are pulling more then their fair share. More on this will be released later though.

As for the villians, I would not say it is so much a good versus evil thing, but more like a friendly tug of war, where people will get really upset at each other :hehe:

I will post more info on the system and the progress will be given in role play mode via ARC reports. The community will always be in the loop as to how things are moving and what has been getting done, what is not etc etc.

Stay tuned.

Understood absolutely. It wouldn't be as much fun if everything was spoiled beforehand. It would be nice to have some of it spoiled after the fact though, if there are diverging storylines depending on player actions I'd love to see a post-mortem on what could have happened if things had gone differently on major events.

I think this would help engage us on events as well, especially if certain individuals and societys become champions of competing causes.


New Member
Hello Karmic, great question. We are still not ready to make a statement on this though. For now the system in place is set up to be community based but we do have plans for exceptional people who are pulling more then their fair share. More on this will be released later though.

As for the villians, I would not say it is so much a good versus evil thing, but more like a friendly tug of war, where people will get really upset at each other :hehe:

I will post more info on the system and the progress will be given in role play mode via ARC reports. The community will always be in the loop as to how things are moving and what has been getting done, what is not etc etc.

Stay tuned.

Thank you for keeping us in the loop :)