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Proposed Cyrene TEN Event for December 20th 2013 - December 22nd 2013 POSTPONED


Tree Hugger
I sort of have been promoting this, so you have alot of vistors in planet. Which is great but many people are not aware this event is not taking place this weekend. Perhaps a front page post explaining this so people will see if highlighted somewhere. Thanks man.


Well now i quit hunting and tried to go into M.A.R.I.O.V.S which caused me to crash. When I tried to get back in it kept saying down for maintenance. I restarted entropia, launch button greyed out, hit repair, still greyed out. Can someone move me out of M.A.R.I.O.V.S server and back to Cyrene server just in case the holiday jellyworm show up?
Hey guys,

Unfortunately MindArk has NOT agreed to this TEN Event so it will not be held this weekend. We will be contacting them to set something up for next week.

Stay tuned for more info.


so you think its ok or acceptable to pull the rug from under us after ive been here shooting for the last 9.5 hr straight?

What the fuck? Why would u even announce an event when MA hasn't agreed or waved their wand or whatever it is they do.........

Not quite sure ill come back for the next one, this is just bs

WTF!!! I have been grinding this event for 10 hours and just learn now that it is a no go!!! I have spent many peds getting ready for this and dropped many peds grinding this event. Now 10 hours into it you tell us its not happening. What a load of crap. I am so upset by this I cant even put it into enough words. Did you not know this was not going to happen 10 hours ago?


Travelling through time...
WTF!!! I have been grinding this event for 10 hours and just learn now that it is a no go!!! I have spent many peds getting ready for this and dropped many peds grinding this event. Now 10 hours into it you tell us its not happening. What a load of crap. I am so upset by this I cant even put it into enough words. Did you not know this was not going to happen 10 hours ago?
Pretty much how I feel except for the PED part as in the HUB there was not much going on anyway. :D

Also this is one efficient way to make everyone leave the planet as soon as possible. I haven't seen so many players taking off the planet in such a short time for a long time. :confused:


Dave Neuromancer
Sorry but agreed with the above posts. This might go down as an epic fail.

We should have had a warning from you Kris before the 20th.

Ending your post with "Cheers" was also not a good move.


Active Member
OMG! Just when I was thinking you are actually finally developing and even communicating well, you go and spring this one!!!
There is not even a main page warning???
Even after all I've seen during the Cyrene development, I'm at a loss for words.
The way I see it, you either DO something about this really fast (including getting data from MA about peds spent these last few hours so that you can arrange some sort of payback), or you just slip away, regardless of how varied and detailed Cyrene has now become!

I've not been on Cyrene, so I haven't lost any peds down to this, but I was thinking of having a look at the Mario instance, which also appears to be bugged (exiting it), plus have a look at whether the event was improving the markets (auction) for at least a day or two. Ah well, looks like I can cancel the visit... no big deal eh?

George Skywalker

Active Member
I'm going to disagree with above posters. What kind of silly players are you that run off planet never to come back due to something not going how it's supposed to...

Things happen which we can not always avoid. It's a small set back but not the end of the world. Hopefully we'll have a new time and date, and hopefully this time will definitely go ahead...

You guys need to toughen up, call yourself tough pvp players - ha :)

I agree though this news should have been at least posted in a new thread on the forum as well as this thread and also in game messages.
I'm going to disagree with above posters. What kind of silly players are you that run off planet never to come back due to something not going how it's supposed to...

Things happen which we can not always avoid. It's a small set back but not the end of the world. Hopefully we'll have a new time and date, and hopefully this time will definitely go ahead...

You guys need to toughen up, call yourself tough pvp players - ha :)

I agree though this news should have been at least posted in a new thread on the forum as well as this thread and also in game messages.
Well, guess this is easy for you to say since you did not invest much in this event. Did you even spend 1 ped on it? Now to call me a silly player for being upset that I lost many peds in an event that did not even happen. 10 HOURS into an event and then say it is cancelled. Go ahead and cancel event, but at least do it before it starts. Should I come back for next event and spend thousands of peds and maybe they cancel it after a 24, 48 hours.

George Skywalker

Active Member
You have a good point Jag I didn't have so much invested in this particular event.

I've been investing more in pvp practice. Something that I really need to improve upon and been wanting to for a while.

Grimyth Salty qq

New Member
I do not usually post complaints but in this case I MUST DECLARE SHENANIGANS. I specifically made the trip and brought the peds to do this event (hunting/mining/crafting part of it).

1. If the event was not sanctioned by MA than it should not have been advertised.
2. You can not have an official start of an event and cancel AFTER the event has started.
3. Being a part of BIG Industries (and not even a planet partner) We make sure that every event that is planned even if it clashes with other events that we still hold it and we guarantee all prizes. It is bad all around for the platform to let down the player base. All I can say here is I am very disappointed.
4. As a suggestion since you are postponing the event can you at least let the people that put in the time, prior to delay in the start announcement, keep their points and / or scores for the continuation of the event prizes. This way the time and peds spent is at least awarded and not lost.

In short, current points and scores should be held through the continuation of the event.



Well-Known Member

The Cyrene TEN Event starts at 00:00:01 on Saturday December 20th 2013 and ends at 23:59:59 on Sunday December 22nd 2013. (all times server time)

lots of good points but my thoughts keep coming back to this. where the 20th is a friday and saturday is the 21st. i think that WE all should have read the event description alittle better if this is indeed the case.

it should have been checked by cyrene staff but alos by us since this is real money we are using here. a failing on both parts it seems.

or i am wrong and this has nothing to do with anything :D
lots of good points but my thoughts keep coming back to this. where the 20th is a friday and saturday is the 21st. i think that WE all should have read the event description alittle better if this is indeed the case.

it should have been checked by cyrene staff but alos by us since this is real money we are using here. a failing on both parts it seems.

or i am wrong and this has nothing to do with anything :D

Ok, I did not know I was to email a copy of the event rules to my lawyer before I join. I will be sure to send him a copy of the event rules before I join any more cyrene events. I usually go by the actual date that is posted and not if it is a Fri or Sat. I have never seen it say Fri or Sat when I check "Entropia Universe Time" in game.


New Member
Wow. Just wow. Are you effing serous?

This situation is totally unacceptable.

I can't believe I decided to participate in your event instead of the first few days of the calypso event. I will never make that mistake again.

Planet Cyrene, you suck!


Well-Known Member
Ok, I did not know I was to email a copy of the event rules to my lawyer before I join. I will be sure to send him a copy of the event rules before I join any more cyrene events. I usually go by the actual date that is posted and not if it is a Fri or Sat. I have never seen it say Fri or Sat when I check "Entropia Universe Time" in game.

:p direct your ire elsewhere and perhaps in a better direction than snooty sarcastic comments towards other players that were also caught in this failed event.