I dont want to ruin the party, but in my opinion the armor is way to far from what is a Titan, even naked ( no evade/reduce crit bonus )
* an armor is notmade to be pointed toward a single mob, is made to fit at least few top mobs in order to have his value at the right spot, and titan is made for the best mobs in game and can be used for most of the time. Events included.
* an armor if is to be compared to other armor, is not only the need to have the exact number of protections altogether, is the ability to protect for the same/ almost same number of large creatures based on importance and value in MU those mobs drop.
* an armor it supposed to give mid players the ability to jump in front 2-3 steps and hunt larger mobs.
* an armor is not made for uber players, those can coexist peacefully hunting anything they want, because they have skills and lots of defense options. Yes if they ware it, they become invincible, is the point of the MMO/RCE/Pay to play/ whatever , because other can look at them and inspire them to move forward ( anyway this was a personal conclusion )
- those are personal notes based on my experience having second best armor in game ( modified shadow/unique lady kraster )
Cyrene armor is far from Titan, by lots
quick compare - ( maybe few stats are not accurate on wiki, my source )
Roy Vulker
Cyrene - Duster/Drill Bot ( single mobs who have burn highest from all cyrene mobs 33.33% )
- Willes/Rincho/ Imperium Pilot-(scarry) ( creature who have 50% but penetration, and 0 burn, so u half protected )
Universal - for burn/pene are some robots that are not a high priority for anything in this game, just regular mobs, few exceptions but decent enough to live, Drone/Harbinger/Trooper/Oratan
PvP armor- indeed serves this purpose but, for that part are (L) sets that decay 5 ped/year i'd say is no need to use an expensive UL armor for.
Cyrene - Skull Bird/Empis/Tide Claw/Vlanwing/Rhino/
Universal - Eomon/Kingfisher?scipulor/Formidon/Osse/Marcimex/Eviscerator/Levi/Scoria...and many more
For this new armor i see the burn is placed first as importance, and mind me pls, but if it was at least a cyrene dedicated armor should have mean mobs who has most of the dmg burn, but isnt, so i dont see the logic, Cyrene has no burn mob priority ....anyway
if i were to be asked, but i m not

) , all i can say is i m not upset or even surprised, it is as it is, good things happen elsewhere, but i can say i m happy something moves and is a step, to me this means much more than that armor.
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my 2 pecs