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Rare Creature Contest

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Hey Guys & Girls!

We see that some of the new rare spawns have been found already :thumbup: but not all of them. How about a reward for finding and getting a scan + screen cap of them?


Good luck and have fun =)

:dance: Lykke

P.S. You can buy an Inspector A1 Scanner at the nearest Trade Terminal on Cyrene, however, any scanner will be fine.


  • Slider.png
    46.3 KB · Views: 15,296


Fate Thanatos Themis
wow, but why now! im at damn work! :p

/// ill hijack the prize now and post here a screen in edited post :p



Well-Known Member
unfortunately i took the screenshot before i killed it, and uploaded pic to PCF and imported it to Cyrene forum lol.. he was just too fast to post it .. I think found it first but too slow to post ..oh well gz to fast posting

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
LOL indeed ... you turn away for a second ... and see what happens :haha:

Must be our fastest contest yet!!

Gratz to non and Agis =)
Please meet me in game for some screen shots of you and the dead creatures :braa: - or in lack of creatures just screen shots of you - and to get your prizes :thumbup:


New Member
Hey Guys & Girls!

We see that some of the new rare spawns have been found already :thumbup: but not all of them. How about a reward for finding and getting a scan + screen cap of them?

Good luck and have fun =)

:dance: Lykke

P.S. You can buy an Inspector A1 Scanner at the nearest Trade Terminal on Cyrene, however, any scanner will be fine.

atleast a 24 hour heads up would be nice before events