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Rare Creature Contest


New Member
That is not possible, I'm sorry. We can't just push a button and spawn the mobs from one minute to another - unfortunately. But we are and will be doing the best we can =)

These are 2 ideas that I can think of now:

1- Announcing such events before pp release.

2- Announcing that there will be a free event with X amount of prize but not disclosing the event details until the time arrives ( which I'm sure would attract a lot of people to Cyrene just out of curiosity).

I'm sure there are much more ways to hold such events better than what has just happened.


Travelling through time...
First of all i would like to congratulate Agis and non for winning this event. You both definitely deserve it.

But i have to agree with others that expressed their frustration about this event. Such events should be announced before. The most important thing would be to make it available for all time zones. I had to work at that time, same as Thanatos and probably most of other European players. Also there should be some randomness in all this. Either make it a looting contest where players need to loot something specific from specific mob or something like that. That would probably be better, will definitely last longer and also more players would participate.

Again, gratz to the winners. This is probably a good payment for all the tokens you have lost in spawning process.


Fate Thanatos Themis
i think that events could come both ways, anounced and by suprise - i gonna enjoy both :)


Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
First I have to say that I agree that looking back, this event could maybe have been better announced, but unfortunately we are not the ones controlling the spawns - and therefore it's not that easy to announce things before we know if they can actually happen (which is often when they happen).

When that is said we will be more aware of this in future - and I have to admit this was over a little faster than we anticipated :D and we will indeed look at other ways too to create events.

I can tell you that we are planning other small events in near future - so feed back from you guys and girls are always welcome. Thank you :thumbup:


Well-Known Member
It was good to finally have an out of the blue event , especially during Australian hours for once, normally Calypso events happen when we are sleeping (2-4am in the morning), and also loots and rare items drop during those times.

Problem with announcing an event before the VU comes with risks, for one alot of people have issues when downloading the VU. And maybe certain spawns may have not ben turned on.

But yes im in full agreement with your second option, announce an event for a certain day and time, and only when the time comes post whats needed to win the event, so people are prepared when the time comes.

Even though it took a while to spawn that Skreel, had to kill like 20-30 mobs before he showed up and each mob is 2000HP, but it was a challenge , even to kill it.


again, I have no idea...
Of course no idea what is possible, but wouldn't it be nice to just spawn 1 of the creatures anywhere on the planet, this way it would be a bit of a hunt and if it was killed without someone posting an image, well to bad I guess.