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Rat tracking

Don't know whether this is legal or not but I thought I would start a thread that rats camping the ss could be reported in.
Xane is currently camping the station.


Fate Thanatos Themis
im sure u can report that a pirate is at ss a time, and many ppl will apprieciate that, but its just pvp, so how can it be illegal to play pvp when its allowed?

anyway, thx for info.

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Thanatos is right. It is not illegal to camp the Space Stations for pirating - since PVP in space is a part of the game. I agree it can be quite annoying though and I hope they will move it to space instead or at least give people some room in between to be able to 'escape' ;)

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
I removed the name in the first post, because it's not illegal to camp a Space Station, it is not fair to name certain people either (who didn't do anything wrong) ;)

A suggestion could be to create a post on www.entropiaplanets.com - about piracy on all planets.

For now this could be about the space around Cyrene - but as an overall discussion about space PVP, camping etc. without names (unless those people of course agree and wish to be a part of the discussion).

I also moved the thread into the PVP forum section.

Thank you :)
Not to cause any s$&^ but I really don't understand why you couldn't post the name of some piRATe shooting avs down outside a ss. Granted the rat is not doing anything illegal but giving peeps fair warning so they can protect themselves seems to me something you should be able to do. I would have posted the av's name regardless of who it was.


Fate Thanatos Themis
im sure naming who is a pirate is fine. he took such patch of gameplay, so let him carry the responsibility for that?


I sense a "Disturbance" in the Force
I agree with the two above posts. If they want to flaunt the fact that they are pirates, then it shouldn't be a problem to name them...it's not a negative thing. In fact, if I were a pirate, I'd be happy to have everybody know it. Regardless if you are "ready" or "not" for a pirate when you spawn in Space, you still have to do battle if so engaged. Naming the pirate does nothing but to alert those who choose to leave the planet who they may be dealing with and to act accordingly. But I really believe that fair warning is fair play! No?
lol dang pirates.. I think I might go loot a few peeps in space myself :) count me as one of the rats lol. I think pirating is a good think it opens up a great proffession . Plus you dont have to be high skilled to use the guns that can take down a protential loot carrier :)
Can I be the first on your list Hawk.. you just may be the first on mine :bandit:

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Seeing both non-pirates and pirates think it's ok to create a thread like this, and also seeing, that it's the thread, you ask is illegal, and not the action of the people - I decided to add the name again.

Keep it constructive (perhaps even humours) - then it should be fine.

Thank you :samuari:


I sense a "Disturbance" in the Force
Oh, NO! Not Xane! NOT XANE!!!!! NO-O-O-o-o-o-o-o...OOooOOOooOOOoo....hehhehheh!

Bring it on, Bucko!!!:monkey_slap: