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[Refurbished H.E.A.R.T. Rank VI] Bug

I'm sure this is already known but, I thought id post anyways. Im still super new to the game but, thought if you guys didn't know you might want to know that this FAP is broke. the initial heal of 18-24 doesn't proc. but, the Heal Over Time the FAP does provide does work. It was disappointing though since I thought id be upgrading from the S10 just to find out I received a lesser version for a lot of extinguished PED for nothing. I hope this is fixed in the future and make the grind worth the time <3 thanks again!

But, I would like to say prior to doing the quest chain I didn't have a pleasant feel of the Planet initially my first time there but, now that i've done the chain I feel a lot better about the Planet itself. some really cool mobs out the like those Living Vortex's are extremely cool. Though I gotta say im confused about the Dusters? it seems they shoot at you? but, I see no visible gun? also, they are evaded and not dodged? but, other than that pretty cool mob also :p
ok i just noticed in the info tab theres *NOTE*: This heal is a heal over time effect and not a direct heal. This is clearly noted any where and not noted on entropiawiki either. Kind of misleading since you cant even see what your're getting next after you complete each mission. After each completion you assume your upgrading from one fap that does one thing to another that does the same but, better. but, in this case you upgrade from Rank V which is a direct heal to Rank VI that is a HOT only? am i wrong but, is this the ONLY FAP that does this? Now that i've learned this I truely hope this is a bug and not really the intention because this is becoming more and more disappointing...I hope someone can reply and restore some hope into this FAP because now that I know what I got at least after this I feel i've been baited into grinding for something that is MEH rather than good. Simply because no info is given and no where that I've found its clearly states hey this is a HOT only device...Just confusing you upgrade the direct heal FAP to a HOT FAP very very very very misleading and disappointing ><

Again you only learn this after you upgrade...the mission doesn't make this clear or even mentioned...there doesnt show a *reward* item box so, you can see what ur upgrading to next... nothing... the only way this would ever make sense is if the rank I-VI were all HOT faps since you would know what the begining to end is...not direct heal>direct heal>direct heal> direct heal>direct heal>HOT bahahahahahahahhaahghahgausgjagsuefafgajgfaigak! GOTCHA SUCKA! >< ok thought id let you know my frustration a little more here...
yea ty for supplying that unfortunately being new to many areas of the game i only learned about that site towards the end of the quest chain and that was to find the mobs. i just feel it should be in the mission dialog somewhere saying hey you're now going to lose direct heal for HOT idk just seems shady business >< that the game requires the community to supply sites all over the place and hopefully the new person finds them so, they know what they're going to receive or lose from the vague mission dialog that doesn't tell you anything except your upgrading and imo an upgrade to me on an item is 99.99% of the time you just get a better version of the same item. stronger direct heals in this case and in wiki u learn the last one applies a HOT so, then u assume since all faps in game seem to be direct heal + the faps each upgrade gives you direct heal you feel confident that your getting a direct heal with a HOT like S10 but, better lol

this all couldve been avoided if they simply put this info in the game via the quest giver. missins in caly even show u what your going to get i know this isnt every quest but, its the way to go...especially if shady things like hey we're making u lose direct heal for HOT lol
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ty for pointing me to that...that makes it even more annoying...I was healing with it via all shared loot area and was oddly thinking why am i not getting any loot from kills?... guess ima try a different fap and see if i get loot from kills to test this >< because that just brings more annoyance towards this entire waste of time and money to be blindsided like this...why does someone have to sift through all forums and websites for each and every item before and item is acquired or used in this case >< makes me wonder if the faps ppl sell for 10k are maybe broken...since maybe theres some website out there that tells the truth about it that i cant find then im SOL and have to figure it out myself...just like compet deeds how are those still in the game?... idk the more i play i find i see ppl complain about loot returns and i normally have a good stance on how things seem to work in game but, then you find something out like this and makes you wonder how much out there is still broke that isn't being fixed? a lot of the time the ppl complaining are hunting things out of their lvl range but, what if somehow the loot return claims from MA is complete and udder lies? idk its bad what happens when you find a few things wrong that arent cared to be fixed then your mind just goes wild or maybe thats just mine...

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I posted about this here: >>LINK<<

The TL;DR is that we're going to adjust down or remove the heal over time effect on the H.E.A.R.T. Rank VI. If we do that it will work properly.

I did want to say that you brought up a good point and we plan to adjust the missions so players can see this reward in game when they start the mission.

Hey guys,

I posted about this here: >>LINK<<

The TL;DR is that we're going to adjust down or remove the heal over time effect on the H.E.A.R.T. Rank VI. If we do that it will work properly.

I did want to say that you brought up a good point and we plan to adjust the missions so players can see this reward in game when they start the mission.

You may have posted it in X but, as a new player if you dont have all 20 sites to the game plus have all the forum know how and this and that then every single item you gotta go through 14 hoops per item just to verify everything is in working order its just A LOT as a new player. Sure as a Veteran player ppl are used to the scanning through everything idk...But, what MA and the PP's can do is make it more user friendly for newer player because its those things that retain players. Its really annoying to have to sift through 20years of forums for each planet and then scan through the websites you have then to learn theres more websites lol its a lot to take in and most of that could simply be avoided by having the NPC do most the work simply showing what your getting and how it works etc.

Now for the rest Thats awesome! im really glad you responded it does restore some faith when the dev/officials respond to these kinds of things because things especially like this that imo are almost ToS...I mean if we were doing something that prevent MA from getting their PED we'd get banned but, in this case its reverse. I do appreciate your guys efforts and i cant wait to see the change so, i can go back to using this FAP. and Once i see the change I will be letting everyone know to goto Cyrene and grind this FAP because a lot of us like to upgrade out of the S10. Again ty for your efforts. I look forward again to the changes and hope it fixes w/e the issue may be :)

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

After some internal testing with various adjustments to the H.E.A.R.T. VI, we’re not going to make this change to live servers until we can finalize it with MindArk. We don’t want to unintentionally nerf this item so it behaves correctly, but we’ll need more approval before finalizing this to live servers.

I will update this post again when we have a concrete way forward, and while the wait has been long, it’s better to take the time to make the correct adjustments.



Active Member
Hey guys,

After some internal testing with various adjustments to the H.E.A.R.T. VI, we’re not going to make this change to live servers until we can finalize it with MindArk. We don’t want to unintentionally nerf this item so it behaves correctly, but we’ll need more approval before finalizing this to live servers.

I will update this post again when we have a concrete way forward, and while the wait has been long, it’s better to take the time to make the correct adjustments.

Just tell Mindark to get us all a L version of the highest heal fap and have them add one ped to the tt value every day til they fix it for good
Hey guys,

After some internal testing with various adjustments to the H.E.A.R.T. VI, we’re not going to make this change to live servers until we can finalize it with MindArk. We don’t want to unintentionally nerf this item so it behaves correctly, but we’ll need more approval before finalizing this to live servers.

I will update this post again when we have a concrete way forward, and while the wait has been long, it’s better to take the time to make the correct adjustments.

thx for the continued effort though its much appreciated I know you guys are limited by a lot of thing but, at least your out there trying which is more than I can say about a few PP's out there :p thanks again hopefully we can get this resolved ><.

Also, would it just be easier to do like what was suggested before is add a new quest chain to it and just upgrade the broken fap to one that works?