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Bug Report S.I. FlameThrower no D.O.T.


Not sure if it's because i'm on Arkadia but i'm not getting the damage over time effect on the flamethrower anymore. I filed a support case but thought you may want to know here too. maybe it works on Cyrene.

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
We can verify that the item works as intended on the test servers - but not on the live servers.

We could not get the damage over time effect to activate as well. The flamethrowers were not changed in any way, so we will forward this issue to MindArk.


Active Member
Now that is a MASSIVE observation! What is the point of test servers if they do not do what the live servers do?
(I don't mean this ironically.... it really is a major WOW of something not being done right)