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Sad to see Cyrene so empty


New Member
I recently took a trip around the block and visited all 4 planets just to take a break from Calypso and let me say Cyrene has to me the best design and texture its truly a wonderful place and hate seeing its so empty I was on world four Hrs only seen ppl I really hope that the A-team can do something to help get more activity here and I hope to return soon gl Cyrene.....
I am there often.. you should check out the brim or the gardens.. killin the weeds is a good time.. I like the imperiums too.. hope to catch you out thanks for stopping by :))


Well-Known Member
Well the egg is about to hatch and if your a long time player when the egg was first discovered, this is probably will be the biggest event ever in Entropia Universe , the egg has been around since 2006 and now in 2013 it will hatch today so even I cant turn down this event on Calypso, many planets will be empty for this week after the egg hatches.

The next Cyrene VU in May will be interesting , hopefully it comes last week of April but not looking like it will happen while this event is on.


MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Cyrene is a great planet, and I'm quite fond of it as well ... I'm sure the C-Team is hard at work developing more for our exploration and fun experiences ... patience isn't always kind of course, but I have to agree with Wang ... quality prevails ... and looking forward to what's next. :thumbup:

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Hi girl ^^

There are much more in the loop for Planet Cyrene, I assure you - and I'm positive the planet will be much more active and 'busy' in future =)

I also believe that the 'busyness' of the planet comes in waves. It depends on the time you are on-line and where you go. It's definitely not 'crowded' - but that too can have it's advantages at times!

Hope to see you back again soon :wave:


Fate Thanatos Themis
Sometimes i feel Cyrene too crowded already lol - mining areas are dry, hunting spots are taken ;) Is is what u want? :p


Well-Known Member
Sometimes i feel Cyrene too crowded already lol - mining areas are dry, hunting spots are taken ;) Is is what u want? :p

Yep Kris is suppose to be looking at increasing the spawns next VU, looking forward to it...hopefully more fenris to kill too as they have gone off the map


There can be only one, and YOU BUB; Are NOT IT.
I've been on/off - taking a break a little for myself from the mighty and wonderful world of Cyrene. More because I've been busy in Real Life (If that still exists, not sure - had to check) taking Disney Trips, Six Flags, Knott's Berry Farm - you name it! What? I got bored, wanted to see what was new out there....

Well, It seems the regular world does still exist. I also found out there's this bright ball of light in the sky, I Googled it and it's called the Sun. Who would have thought?


New Member
I've been 'vacationing' on Cyrene, from Caly, for a few weeks now, and I am glad I don't have any plans that hasten my time off from my home planet. I really like the scenery as well as the the terrain, oh and the mobs are quite well done too; I will admit it is somewhat 'quiet', however I like the solitude, so it suits me just fine! I am sure once word gets around from other planet hoppers, there will be many visitors and many more GD's on our radar here on Cyrene! But for the time being, I am in no hurry to return to Caly, whether or not times promise to be eggsiting! ;)


New Member
that's great to hear well ill wait for the event on caly to finish and ill get a trip planed to vist cyrene again because I do love the view :)


Dave Neuromancer
After more than 5 1/2years on Calypso I've made Cyrene my home planet. I agree at times it feels there are only 5 other people on. The economy/auction has only 14 pages of items, and there isn't a firmly established sweat camp or swunt mob yet. For newborn avas this planet is rough.

But for hunters Cyrene is very good - mainly because of the item drops. Mining has also improved a lot recently, although you need fairly serious gear to find stuff. Crafting needs to be seriously rebalanced. Engineer Ferguson's "Even Craftier" mission is ridiculous.

Also mentioned above Calypso now is in a semi-constant state of back to back events which draws a lot of people.

So I'm very optimistic about Cyrene, and sort of acting as tour guide/advisor to any soc mates who come here. Also helping out new players.